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Multiple Announcements: Postdoctoral Positions and SSA Annual Meeting Session Deadline

Date: 09/23/2020

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2. SSA 2021 Annual Meeting Session Deadline - 1 October 2020
3. GEM Postdoctoral Position in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Modeling


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1. Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution:

The newly formed Ocean Bottom Seismic Instrument Center (OBSIC) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) announces a competition for a Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship. OBSIC’s mission is to support discovery of the earth’s internal structure and its dynamic processes using seafloor seismic measurements. (See https://obsic.whoi.edu/.) The OBSIC Postdoctoral Fellowship, recognizing the importance of marine seismology and ocean-bottom seismic instrumentation to continued discovery in Earth Sciences, aims to help maintain the strength of the field by supporting instrumentation-focused research and development.
You are invited to apply for this Postdoctoral Fellowship for any project related to: 1) advancing our knowledge of earth structure with an emphasis on using ocean-bottom seismograph data, including the development and/or application of new analytical methodologies; 2) research and engineering in the area of seafloor seismic instrumentation, including the development and/or application of new sensors; 3) understanding earthquake-related processes using seafloor seismology and/or geodesy; 4) advancing our knowledge of the interplay between seafloor seismic measurements and oceanographic processes; and 5) other projects within this broad scope. The successful candidate may choose to carry out research with faculty in any of WHOI’s science and engineering departments, with staff at the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, or a combination thereof.
Completed applications will be accepted up to October 15, 2020 for consideration for Postdoctoral Scholar Awards for 2021-2022. Recipients of awards can initiate their study and research period at the Institution any time after January 1, 2021 and before December 1, 2021.

Specific questions about this postdoctoral fellowship position can be addressed to the OBSIC Director, John Collins at jcollins@whoi.edu
Further information and application forms may be obtained through the Academic Programs section of the WHOI web pages at www.whoi.edu/postdoctoral, or by contacting: The WHOI Postdoctoral Coordinator Telephone: (508) 289-2950 ۰ E-mail: postdoc@whoi.edu

2. SSA 2021 Annual Meeting Session Deadline - 1 October 2020:

The deadline to submit a session proposal to the Seismological Society of America's 2021 Annual Meeting is 1 October 2020 at 5 p.m. Pacific.

For questions about proposing a technical session, please contact the Program Co-Chairs Rich Briggs (U.S. Geological Survey), Diego Melgar (University of Oregon) and Jenny Nakai (University of New Mexico) at program@seismosoc.org.

You may submit a session proposal here: seismosoc.org/meetings/submission-system

3. GEM Postdoctoral Position in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Modeling:

The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) is a global collaborative effort that brings together state-of- the-art science and national, regional and international organisations. GEM promotes the creation of open tools, models and datasets for the calculation of hazard and risk.
The GEM Hazard Team assembles and maintains global and regional earthquake databases, and develops and provides the capability to compute and analyse seismic hazard. Currently, the GEM Hazard Team actively develops the OpenQuake Engine (the GEM calculation engine) and a number of tools and applications for PSHA input model creation such as the OpenQuake Hazard Modeller’s Toolkit and the Ground Motion Toolkit. The team also collaborates with groups of scientists in different parts of the world involved in activities promoted by GEM.
To expand our modelling capabilities, we seek a modeller/researcher with a strong quantitative background and a distinct interest in seismic hazard analysis. The position – offered at the post- doctoral level – is open for an initial duration of two years with the possibility of becoming a permanent position.
Responsibilities and duties
The successful candidate will join the Hazard Team at the GEM Secretariat headquarters, in Pavia, Italy. The Hazard Team operates within the broader GEM science & technology group, a team of some 20 scientists and engineers comprised of the Hazard, Risk and IT teams. Collectively, the S&T team develops methods, models and tools for seismic hazard and risk assessment and conducts risk assessments in collaboration with its partners worldwide.
Primary duties for this position will be:

- The development of open-source tools and software for probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessment, in collaboration with the IT team
- To support the creation of national, regional and global PSHA hazard models, in close collaboration with scientists working in different parts of the world
- Active research into new theoretical concepts and computational techniques for the development and application of probabilistic seismic hazard.
- Training scientists and students in both the use of the software as well as the scientific aspects of seismic hazard analysis

English is the working language at GEM. Knowledge of a second language is a desirable, but not required. Frequent travel and participation to meetings in many different parts of the world are also expected. The candidate will be based at the GEM offices in Pavia, Italy ( During the COVID-19 pandemic, the possibility of working remotely will be considered).
What GEM offers
- Work in a multicultural environment with diverse expertise comprising seismic hazard analysis and seismic risk, earthquake geology, vulnerability analysis, coding for scientific and engineering applications;
- Participation in a variety of seismic-hazard related projects including but not limited to national and regional seismic hazard analyses, site-specific studies, risk-tailored hazard studies;
- Prospect to develop international experience through collaborations with GEM’s public and private participating organisations and projects;
- A great career opportunity including the possibility to obtain a permanent position in the GEM seismic hazard team;
- Flexible working hours and personal laptop.
The ideal candidate has:

- Strong knowledge of computational programming for scientific applications. Our software (OpenQuake) is developed in Python, but candidates with experience in other programming languages will also be considered.
- Experience in the calculation of PSHA and familiarity with the creation of PSHA models.
- Experience in use of GEM tools for creating seismic hazard models and for computing seismic
hazard. Proven experience in developing similar tools will be considered an advantage.
- Proven ability to work in a multidisciplinary team
- Good oral and written communication skills
- Strong multi-tasking and organisational skills
- Ability to work collaboratively, openness to discussion willingness to collaborate with the other
members of the team
- A recent PhD in one of the following disciplines (or related): engineering seismology, seismic
hazard assessment, earthquake engineering, or computational seismology.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please apply at this link https://cutt.ly/QfSEpWE with a cover letter explaining why you would be a good fit for the position, CV, your list of references (minimum 2), and timeline of availability. The selection procedure will start immediately and continue until we fill the position. For any additional information please send an email to hazard@globalquakemodel.org with the following label in the title [GEM Hazard Application].

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