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NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Study Questionnaire

Date: 09/02/2020

On Behalf of Andrea Donnellan, NASA JPL:

Dear Colleagues,

The 2017 Earth Sciences Decadal Survey recommended that NASA prepare to make height observations of the globe’s Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) in the 2018 – 2027 time frame. NASA has established an STV Study Team to identify gaps in scientific knowledge and technology capabilities and to identify activities that can fill those gaps. The study report will help guide NASA investments this decade that advance capabilities for STV.

The Study Team has conducted a series of online meetings for the solid Earth, vegetation structure, cryosphere, hydrology and coastal processes communities to introduce the study and seek input on science and applications objectives and requirements. This questionnaire is an opportunity for you to provide additional input that will be used by the Study Team to prepare a Science and Applications Traceability Matrix (SATM) that will be included in the report to NASA. A draft SATM collating the questionnaire responses will be distributed for your review and comment.

NASA will be using the study to identify investments necessary over the next 5-10 years to mature a topography concept into a mission. We are particularly looking for more input from the solid Earth community so that the community will be better served in the future.

To complete the questionnaire, use this link.
To be most useful to the study team, we request that you complete the questionnaire.

If you have any questions for the STV Study team, please post them on the Q&A page at https://arc.cnf.io/sessions/qkrg/#!/dashboard.

The STV study website can be found here: https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/decadal-stv/

Thank you for your contributions to the development of the STV SATM.


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