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Multiple Announcements: Postdoctoral positions, Plenary Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Workshop, and Nominations for student representative to OpenTopography Advisory Committee

Date: 06/24/2020

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Postdoctoral Scholar positions (2) in geophysics, Northern Arizona University
2. Nominations open for student representative to OpenTopography Advisory Committee
3. Registration Open: First Plenary Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Workshop
4. GMT Development Postdoc at University of Hawaii at Mano


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1. Postdoctoral Scholar positions (2) in geophysics, Northern Arizona University:
We are seeking two postdoctoral scholars to join the geophysics group in the School of Earth and Sustainability at Northern Arizona University. Geophysics faculty, staff, and graduate students collect, analyze and interpret novel geophysical datasets on land and at sea around the world to address fundamental problems in Earth Science. The School of Earth and Sustainability includes a dynamic and diverse faculty that work across a spectrum of earth and environmental sciences. One of the postdocs will primarily focus on a new active-source seismic study of the Aleutian Island arc, including data acquisition, analysis and interpretation; there will also be opportunities to engage in other ongoing projects focused on subduction zones and rift systems. The second postdoc will be engaged in development and application of innovative seismic imaging techniques utilizing new broadband datasets to probe crust and mantle dynamics; current projects focus on western North America, the central Pacific, and processes controlling subduction-zone dynamics. The ideal candidates will have PhDs in geophysics or a related field, experience in relevant seismic data analyses, and a strong record of peer-reviewed publication. Both postdocs will be a part of an active group of faculty and students in geophysics and will also be involved in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants from underrepresented groups in earth sciences are particularly encouraged to apply. Please contact Donna Shillington (Donna.Shillington@nau.edu) or James Gaherty (James.Gaherty@nau.edu) for more information.
For details and to apply, please visit:
Position 1: https://tinyurl.com/SeisNAU1
Position 2: https://tinyurl.com/SeisNAU2

2. Nominations open for student representative to OpenTopography Advisory Committee:

OpenTopography is guided by an advisory committee which represents OpenTopography users and partners and provides valuable input on decisions related to OpenTopography priorities for data ingestion, interoperability relationships, algorithm and tool deployment, collaborations, and education and community engagement. We seek a graduate student (M.S. or Ph.D.) to join the advisory committee and represent the interests of emerging scientists who interact with OpenTopography. Responsibilities are participation in quarterly committee meetings. Under non pandemic conditions, one of the quarterly meetings will be face-to-face if possible. Travel is paid by OpenTopography.

We welcome nominations from the community as well as self nominations. Please send a short description of interest and experience and include a brief (NSF-style) curriculum vitae to: ramon.arrowsmith@asu.edu by July 1, 2020. We expect to make the appointment by August 1, 2020.

Many thanks and congratulations to Dr. Robert Sare who has been our graduate student member and is now graduating!

3. Registration Open: First Plenary Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Workshop:

First Plenary Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Workshop
Thursday, July 9, 8 am - 1 pm PT/11 am - 4 pm ET
Workshop web page: https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/decadal-stv/workshop
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/first-plenary-surface-topography-and-vegeta...
The NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Incubation Study will hold its first community workshop on Thursday July 9, 2020. The STV incubation study is being conducted by an STV team at the request of NASA in response to recommendations made in the 2017-2027 Earth Science Decadal Survey. This first virtual workshop in an ongoing series will introduce the STV Team and study to members of the relevant science and applications communities, and begin to collect their input.
The Decadal Survey recommended high-resolution global topography, including bare surface land topography, ice topography, vegetation structure, and shallow water bathymetry as a Targeted Observable (TO). Targeted observables address key priorities within and across disciplinary lines for a set of science objectives related to a common aspect of the Earth system. The survey identified STV as an Incubation Observable and called for assessment of next-generation measurement approaches that could be ready for spaceborne implementation in 10+ years. The survey recommends focused and sustained attention by NASA to the Incubation Observables to establish the associated prospective scientific and other user communities, and to make progress towards maturing both measurement capabilities and implementation concepts within this decade.
In late 2019 NASA established an STV Incubation Study Team. The objective of the incubation study team is to identify science and applications priorities, gaps in the specification of requirements and in technology capabilities needed to meet those priorities, and methods and activities to fill those gaps. The study team will develop a white paper for delivery to NASA outlining potential future methods and activity areas, such as modeling, Observing System Simulations Experiments (OSSEs), field campaigns, data analysis and evaluation of a range of potential observing system architectures utilizing emerging sensor, platform and information technologies, and activities to advance those technologies to the point where they could support future space-based STV observations. The team will produce a preliminary Science and Applications Traceability Matrix (SATM) that includes relevant societal or science questions, Earth science and application objectives, geophysical observables, product requirements and draft concepts of associated measurement approaches. The white paper and preliminary SATM will be used by NASA Headquarters to help inform future solicitations to advance STV.
The team will solicit input from the broader community through online questionnaires and a series of virtual workshops. The first plenary workshop will be held Thursday, July 9, 2020 from 8 am - 1 pm PT/11 am - 4 PM ET. At this first workshop the team will introduce the STV study and progress to date. There will be time for input, questions, and clarification. Subsequent workshops will be discipline specific. Additional plenary meetings will allow the community to provide input to the STV SATM and white paper.
Additional information about the study is available at 
The decadal survey can be found here:

4. GMT Development Postdoc at University of Hawaii at Mano:

A full-time postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Earth Sciences in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa to participate in funded research in support of the maintenance and development of the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT; www.generic-mapping-tools.org). A one-year initial appointment is anticipated, with the possibility of up to two years extension, depending on progress and availability of funds.

The successful applicant will be a highly motivated, independent researcher with extensive programming experience (including C and Python), familiarity with modern software development (GitHub, Continued Integration, static analyzers, profiling) and will assist Dr. Wessel, Dr. Uieda, and the GMT team in strengthening the GMT C core and evolving the PyGMT wrapper. Applicants must have completed a PhD in data science or the physical sciences at the time of appointment, with a preference for geophysics, and must be proficient in spoken and written English. The position is open immediately and will remain open until an appointment is made. Tele-working is possible if you are located in the US. The position pays a salary of up to USD $70,000/year depending on qualifications, plus fringe benefits.

To apply you must use the RCUH job posting system (link here) to submit your application. Make sure your cover page includes a statement of research objectives and a statement of skills or experience suitable for contributing to GMT development. Questions should be addressed to Dr. Paul Wessel (pwessel@hawaii.edu). Information on the Department can be found at Department of Earth Sciences at UH Manoa | Home. The University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.


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