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Multiple Announcements: Summer Data Science Fellowship and Postdocs in Wisconsin, Rome, and New Zealand

Date: 03/18/2020

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements:

1. Summer Data Science Fellowship Opportunity
2. Post-doctoral position in geothermal modeling, University of Wisconsin-Madison
3. Post-doctoral position (Sapienza University of Rome)
4. Post-doctoral Position (University of Otago, Dunedin New Zealand)


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1. Summer Data Science Fellowship Opportunity:
The Data Incubator's Summer 2020 Data Science Fellowship application is open!

Program: The Data Incubator is an intensive 8 week fellowship that prepares masters students, PhDs, and postdocs in STEM and social science fields seeking industry careers as data scientists. The program is free for Fellows and supported by sponsorships from hundreds of employers across multiple industries. In response to the overwhelming interest in our earlier sessions, we will be holding another fellowship.

Who Should Apply: Anyone who has already obtained a masters or PhD degree or who is within one year of graduating with a masters or PhD is welcome to apply. Applications from international students are welcome.

Locations: You can attend our program in
• New York City
• San Francisco Bay Area
• Washington, DC.
• Online

Application Link: https://www.thedataincubator.com/fellowship/apply.html

Session Dates: 2020-06-29 - 2020-08-21
Early Deadline: 2020-04-03
Regular Deadline: 2020-05-02
We are assessing and interviewing candidates who apply for the Early Deadline first and then based on remaining availability, will take candidates who applied for the Regular Deadline on a first-come first-serve basis.

Data Science in 30 minutes: Learn how to build a data-science project in our upcoming free Data Science in 30-minutes webcast. Signup soon as space is limited.

Learn More: You can learn about our fellows at The New York Times, LinkedIn, Amazon, Capital One, or Palantir. To read about our latest fellow alumni, check out our blog. To learn more about The Data Incubator, check us out on Venture Beat, The Next Web, or Harvard Business Review.

2. Post-doctoral position in geothermal modeling, University of Wisconsin-Madison:
A research position in geothermal modeling is available in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, beginning in summer 2020. The position is a full-time, 2-year appointment, with the opportunity of continuation for a third year, as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. The successful applicant will perform numerical simulations of spatial distribution and temporal evolution of stress in a geothermal system as part of the WHOLESCALE project. As described by Feigl et al. [2020], this project aims to develop amethodology that will incorporate and interpret data from four methods of measurement into a multi-physics model that couples thermal, hydrological, and mechanical (T-H-M) processes over spatial scales ranging from the diameter of a borehole (~0.1 m) to the extent of the entire field (~10 km) and temporal scales ranging from the duration of a micro-seismic event (~1 second) to the typical lifetime of a producing field (3 decades). The WHOLESCALE team currently includes a dozen scientists and engineers in a partnership that includes two universities, two federally-funded R&D centers, and a leading provider of alternative and renewable energy technology.
The expected starting salary is in the range $50,000 to $55,000, depending on qualifications and experience. The position is most appropriate for candidates not more than 5 years past the Ph.D. Completion of all Ph.D. requirements is necessary at the time of appointment.
The starting date for the position is somewhat flexible, but preferably before September 2020. Applicants should submit a resume, statement of research interests and experience, a sample of computer code, possible start date, and the names (including e-mail addresses and phone numbers) of three references via email to feigl@wisc.edu with the subject "WHOLESCALE post-doc" before April 15th, 2020.
Feigl, K. L., E. C. Reinisch, S. A. Batzli, H. Sone, M. A. Cardiff, J. C. Hampton, N. E. Lord, C. H. Thurber, H. F. Wang, and C. Sherman (2020), Spatio–Temporal Analysis of Deformation at San Emidio Geothermal Field, Nevada, USA between 1992 and 2010. https://pangea.stanford.edu/ERE/db/GeoConf/papers/SGW/2020/Feigl.pdf

3. Post-doctoral position (Sapienza University of Rome):
We seek a postdoctoral researcher with interests in laboratory based research on earthquake physics, seismic data processing, and/or the application of machine learning techniques to geophysical data.
The successful applicant will have experience in one or more of these areas and will join a research team focused on the processes that cause fault weakening and the application of machine learning to identify precursors for laboratory and tectonic earthquakes. Our goal is to hire a colleague who will join our research activities and co-lead efforts to illuminate the processes that cause faults to fail in a range of modes that include slow earthquakes and elastodynamic rupture. We encourage applications from researchers with backgrounds in rock deformation, seismology, machine learning and fault geodesy.

A Ph.D. in a relevant field is required by the date of hire. Applications will be accepted until 31 March 2020.

For any questions please write to Prof. Chris Marone: chrisjmarone@gmail.com

A brief description of the ERC funded project can be found here: (TECTONIC: The physics of Earthquake faulting: learning from laboratory earthquake prediCTiON to Improve forecasts of the spectrum of tectoniC failure mode):

Application details can be found here:

The direct link to the form that has to be filled out is

4. Post-doctoral Position (University of Otago, Dunedin New Zealand):

Postdoctoral Scholar in Earthquake Science
Otago Earthquake Science Group, Department of Geology, University of Otago, Dunedin New Zealand
We have an opening for a suitably qualified and motivated individual to undertake postdoctoral- research to address the seismic hazard of low-seismicity southern New Zealand. The 2.5 year position will be supported by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) Research Grant-funded project “Understanding and managing risk in low seismic hazard zones” (PIs Professor Mark Stirling and Dr Caroline Orchiston), and will commence in the second half of 2020 (start time negotiable).
The successful candidate will initially conduct a literature review to compile information on known and potentially active earthquake sources in and around the Southland region of New Zealand. The work will form the basis for prioritisation of sites for paleoseismic investigations. The work will then progress to paleoseismic investigations at the sites, along with the progressive development of earthquake source models for input to seismic hazard models. The candidate will be strongly motivated to conduct research within the disciplines of paleoseismology, statistical seismology and seismic hazard analysis, and to publish research results in national and international peer-reviewed journals.
A curriculum vitae, cover letter, and contact details of at least two referees should be sent to Professor Mark Stirling, Chair of Earthquake Science, mark.stirling@otago.ac.nz


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