Multiple Announcements (Jobs + Workshops and Meetings)
Date: 02/14/2020
Dear SCEC Community,
Please see below for the following announcements:
1. Postdoctoral position in geologic fracture mechanics (Tufts University)
2. San Fernando Earthquake Conference – 50 years of Lifeline Engineering
3. Job Announcement: USGS Research Geophysicist
4. Sessions proposals, IV Assembly of IASPEI’s Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC)
5. 2020 Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology, and Active Tectonics (PATA Days) Meeting
6. 2 PhD Scholarships New Zealand Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning and Tsunami Hazards
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1. Postdoctoral position in geologic fracture mechanics (Tufts University):
A postdoctoral scholar position is available within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University. The position involves the theoretical study of the coupling of fracture with friction with relevance to geologic fault rupture, basal sliding of ice streams, and, more generally, the frictional contact of compliant bodies. Examples of recent research topics include the role of fluid injection in inducing fault slip and the contribution of friction to earthquake nucleation. Candidates should have backgrounds in applied mathematics and mechanics within the physical sciences or engineering. The position is available for one year, with possibility for renewal conditional on performance and the availability of funding. Applicants should send a brief research statement and CV to Robert C. Viesca (
2. San Fernando Earthquake Conference – 50 years of Lifeline Engineering:
San Fernando Earthquake Conference – 50 years of Lifeline Engineering (Lifelines2021), focusing on “Understanding, Improving & Operationalizing Hazard Resilience for Lifeline Systems.”
Join Us!
Los Angeles, California USA | February 7-10, 2021
3. Job Announcement: USGS Research Geophysicist:
The U.S. Geological Survey is looking for up to two permanent Research Geophysicists to join the Earthquake Science Center offices in either Moffett Field, CA or Pasadena, CA. Duties include:
• Plans, organizes, and conducts geophysical research aimed at the development and advancement of fundamental concepts in the physics of earthquake sources, either natural or induced.
• Carries out an innovative program of fundamental research using data science approaches applied to seismological observations to understand earthquake source physics and rupture dynamics.
• Publish research results in peer-reviewed journals.
For more information and to apply (closes March 2, 2020), please visit:
4. Sessions proposals, IV Assembly of IASPEI’s Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC):
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting a session proposal for the IV Assembly of IASPEI’s Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC), to be held at Hotel Quito in Quito, Ecuador 03 – 05 AUGUST 2020.
Identify a timely research topic in areas including (but not limited to):
01. Engineering Seismology / Seismic Hazard
02. Seismic Observatories, Networks, and Instrumentation
03. Passive / Active Wavefields for Structural Characterization (across scales)
04. Earthquake Source Phenomenology
05. Volcano-Acoustic Seismology
06. Earthquake Early Warning
07. Numerical and Theoretical Seismology
08. Paleoseismology
09. Statistical Seismology and Machine Learning
10. Deformation, Faulting, and Geodesy
Submission Process and Proposal Format:
Proposals will be examined in terms of their quality and impact by the scientific committee. Submit your proposal online and with care taken to include: (1) Title of the session, (2) Main convener (name, affiliation and email), and (3) Description of your session to
Proposals will be accepted up to **15 February 2020 (23h59 UT)**
We are looking forward to an exciting array of session proposals and hope that you will help us make the 2020 LACSC Meeting a great success!
Thank you for your attention,
Mario C. Ruiz, Marcelo Assumpcao
Other important deadlines:
February 15, 2020: Session Proposal Deadline
March 01, 2020: START of Abstract Submission and Student + ECR Grant Application
March 30, 2020: DEADLINE for Abstract Submission and Student + ECR Grant Application
April 15, 2020: Acceptance of abstracts and Issue of list of grant recipients.
April 15, 2020: Open registration period
May 2020: Issue of Final Scientific Program considering options for late-breaking sessions, cancelled sessions or merged sessions
July 31 - August 02: Pre-conference courses
August 03 to August 05, 2020: Assembly.
August 06, 2020: Workshop GeoAndes underground project
August 06 - August 09, 2020: Post conference field-trips
5. 2020 Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology, and Active Tectonics (PATA Days) Meeting:
Dear SCEC Community,
Anyone interested or working on Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics should please consider attending the 2020 Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology, and Active Tectonics (PATA Days) meeting that will be held in Hornitos, Chile, from 8-12 November 2020.
The new website is active and please feel free to share with anyone that may have interest in attending.
There are Early Career funds and students funds available to help with costs to attend this meeting. Abstracts are due end of Feb.
Some very cool field trips will also take place in the Atacama and Central High Andes. Feel free to drop a line if you have any questions to anyone on the technical committee.
6. 2 PhD Scholarships New Zealand Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning and Tsunami Hazards:
We seek two highly motivated students for two separate 3-year PhD scholarships supported through the Resilience to Nature’s Challenges National Science Challenge (
These are part of a wider “earthquake and tsunami theme project” to develop physics-based models of virtual earthquakes enabling new avenues of research to assess and forecast a range of hazards including ground shaking, liquefaction, landslides and tsunami throughout New Zealand and involving two Crown Research Institutions, four universities, >10 primary researchers and six PhD students.
One PhD research project involves testing the physical capabilities and exploring the utilities of earthquake early warning (EEW) and tsunami early warning (TEW) algorithms within the New Zealand (NZ) context. The objectives will be to quantify the efficiency of the algorithms for these two perils. The student will consider current NZ seismic and geodetic networks, ocean pressure and tide monitoring stations, limited ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) availability, limited real-time information and effectiveness of warning times within the context of civil defence and response infrastructure. He/she will also attempt to determine whether additional monitoring stations in key locations would be able to make a significant difference to warning times.
The student will be supervised by Prof. Martha Savage (VUW), Caroline Holden (GNS Science) and SJ McCurrach (NZ Ministry of Civil Defence. The students will also interact with key external advisors: Dr Julia Becker (Massey University) and Kim Wright (NZ Ministry of Civil Defence).
The other project will involve simulating coastal wave-heights caused by the tsunamigenic events in synthetic earthquake catalogues and processing the results to evaluate the probabilistic tsunami hazard at the coast. One study site will be chosen for more detailed tsunami inundation studies, and for this site we will calculate onshore inundation depths and currents in detail. Probabilistic tsunami inundation hazard assessment (PTHA) requires many numerically-intensive simulations, which is why we focus on one study site. In order to undertake a PTHA for a larger proportion of the country we need to develop concepts and algorithms for reducing the number of, or more rapidly approximating, the simulations needed. A large part of this PhD will involve investigating different potential methods for doing this.
They will be supervised by Prof. Martha Savage and Richard Arnold (VUW), William Power (GNS Science) and Emily Lane (NIWA).
The students will be expected to enrol as a PhD student at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). GNS Science is a government-owned institution undertaking research in the Earth Sciences and related disciplines. VUW was ranked first in New Zealand in Earth Sciences. Information on the department is available here ( Further information on the projects is available here Prospective candidates must have a strong background in geoscience and computing (some mathematics, physics, statistics and/or seismology experience is desirable), an interest in social sciences for the EEW/TEW project, be proficient in one or more scientific programming languages (Matlab, Python, etc.), and have completed (or be expected to complete) a Master’s or equivalent degree by the start of the PhD programme. Full details of Victoria University’s eligibility criteria are available from the Faculty of Graduate Research website and A generous scholarship will be provided.
Applications including an up-to-date curriculum vitae, referee reports and evidence of previous study should be submitted via the Faculty of Graduate Research website ( by 28 February 2020. The start date is flexible but will be no later than 31 December, 2020.
Please direct all questions to:
Martha Savage,, Caroline Holden or SJ McCurrach, (EEW&TEW)
Martha Savage,, William Power, or Emily Lane (Tsunami hazards)
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