Multiple Announcements: Positions with the USGS and LDEO, Ground Modeling Workshop, and Machine Learning Workshop
Date: 09/17/2018
Dear SCEC Community,
Please see below for the following announcements:
1. EXTENDED DEADLINE, SEPTEMBER 28: Research Position in Crustal Deformation Research at the U.S. Geological Survey
2. Earthquake and Ground Motion Modeling Workshop, July 2019
3. Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
4. USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program: Opportunity S30: Experimental studies of aseismic slip, earthquake occurrence and hazard
5. Machine Learning Workshop
1. EXTENDED DEADLINE, SEPTEMBER 28: Research Position in Crustal Deformation Research at the U.S. Geological Survey:
The U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Center (ESC) seeks to fill a research position within the broad areas of conducting basic research into crustal deformation processes. This is a permanent position classified as a Research Geophysicist in Pasadena, CA or Menlo Park, CA at the GS-13 or GS-14 level with promotion potential to the GS-15 level.
Successful applicants will be expected to make significant contributions to a vigorous program of crustal deformation research, especially as pertaining to development of new approaches for estimating long-term slip rates on Western US faults using geodetic data and devising methods for practically implementing this information in the National Seismic Hazard Model. Research results should have direct impacts on: better quantifying long-term fault slip rates in southern California and other regions pertinent to the Earthquake Hazards Program mission, resolving outstanding geologic/geodetic slip rate discrepancies, developing deformation models that can inform time-dependent earthquake hazard assessments, and quantifying errors in model parameters. Additional areas for collaboration with fellow ESC research scientists may include resolving the spatial and temporal partitioning of coseismic and aseismic fault slip within and over multiple earthquake cycles, connecting geodetic observations with fault constitutive or bulk rheological properties, further development of geodetic approaches for improved earthquake early warning and rapid response, and understanding transient deformation and its relationship to tremor in the San Andreas fault system and/or the Cascadia subduction zone.
Successful applicants will utilize applied mathematics, statistics, geodesy, geophysics, and/or seismology to conduct original research that characterizes crustal deformation with quantitative error analysis for earthquake hazard assessment applications. Research studies will utilize GNSS, InSAR, and other geodetic data and will address the mechanics of crustal deformation, for example by developing models grounded in elastic or quasi-static dislocation theory; resolving the spatial and temporal partitioning of coseismic and aseismic deformation; and characterizing how physical properties of faults and/or the crust affect interseismic and postseismic deformation rates. Research products will feed directly into short-term and long-term earthquake forecasting for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment; additional applications may include EEW and rapid earthquake response.
Applications (resume and responses to application questions) for this vacancy must be received online via USAJOBS before Friday September 28, 2018. Resumes MUST adhere to the format prescribed on USAJOBS, including full narrative descriptions of “Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills” for past work experience. Resumes should include detailed information for current and past positions: job title; name of company/agency; dates of employment (including month and year of start and end); number of hours worked per week; salary; a narrative (not bullet list) of duties, responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and abilities; and supervisor’s name and contact information (along with a statement indicating “can call/do not call/contact me before calling” if desired). Typical resume length is a minimum of two pages with half a page per position.
Transcripts, SF-50s, licenses, and other documents as appropriate MUST be attached as required by the Vacancy Announcement. A full description of the job opening, qualifications and instructions on how to apply can be found at:
The Job Announcement Number is SAC-2018-0328. The salary range is $98,747 to $161,817 per year in Pasadena, CA or Menlo Park, CA. U.S. citizenship is required.
Contact Yvonne Jacobs with questions about the application process
(phone: 916 278-9386, email: .)
2. Earthquake and Ground Motion Modeling Workshop, July 2019:
On behalf of the workshop organizers, we would like to announce:
Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Motions: Waves and Ruptures
June 30 (Sunday, arrival day) – July 4 (Thursday, departure day), 2019
July 1 – 3: sessions
Smolenice Castle (near Bratislava), Slovakia
Main topics:
Earthquake source dynamics
Earthquake ground motion
Main aspects:
Numerical methods for rupture propagation
Numerical methods for seismic wave propagation in complex media in relation to earthquake motion and seismic noise
Analysis of earthquake source dynamics
Analysis of earthquake ground motion
Methods for predicting earthquake ground motion
Pierre-Yves Bard France
Eric Dunham USA
Hiroshi Kawase Japan
Peter Moczo Slovakia
Scientific committee:
Jean-Paul Ampuero France
Greg Beroza USA
Michel Campillo France
Xiaofei Chen China
Marine Denolle USA
Alice Gabriel Germany
Ruth Harris USA
Yoshi Kaneko New Zealand
Jozef Kristek Slovakia
Nadia Lapusta USA
Martin Mai Saudi Arabia
Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma Mexico
Shiqing Xu Japan
More information to follow this autumn, but for now please save the dates. Partial travel funding might be available to US participants, especially students, postdocs, early career scientists, and members of underrepresented groups.
3. Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Earth and Environmental Sciences:
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the fields of Earth and environmental sciences. Candidates should have recently completed their Ph.D. or should expect to complete their degree requirements by September 2019.
Researchers at the Observatory work to understand the dynamics of the Earth’s chemical, physical, and biological systems, from the core to the upper atmosphere, including Earth’s interactions with human society. Our scientists lead research in the fields of solid Earth dynamics; ocean, atmospheric, and climate systems; cryospheric dynamics; paleoclimate; and biogeoscience. There is also an opportunity for a fellowship in forest ecology with a fieldwork component at the Black Rock Forest Consortium, a research facility near the Lamont Campus.
The principal selection criteria for Fellows are scientific excellence and a clearly expressed plan to investigate problems at the forefront of Earth science. Applications from all related fields are welcomed.
Fellowships are supported institutionally for 24 months, include a $7,500 research allowance, and carry an annual salary of $66,000. Successful candidates will be encouraged to apply for external funding and may be eligible for further internal awards and positions. Lamont is especially interested in qualified candidates whose record of achievement will contribute to the diversity of the Observatory’s scientific personnel.
The deadline for applications is November 12, 2018.
For more information, and to apply for the fellowship, please visit:
Contact: The Office of the Director, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964
Tel: 845-365-8546 • Fax: 845-365-8162 • Email:
Note: Related postdoctoral opportunities are available at the Earth Institute at Columbia University,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory is committed to diversity. Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer – Race/Gender/Disability/Veteran.
4. USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program: Opportunity S30: Experimental studies of aseismic slip, earthquake occurrence and hazard:
The U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park, California is seeking a postdoctoral scholar for a lab-based research position focused on processes controlling aseismic slip, earthquake occurrence and earthquake hazard. We seek a candidate who can make fundamental contributions in rock physics and fault mechanics with a focus on the conditions leading to seismic versus aseismic faulting as well as the spatial and temporal interaction of fault slip modes to advance our understanding of earthquake occurrence and earthquake hazard. Experimental research is expected to be conducted in the Rock Physics Laboratory of the Earthquake Science Center of the USGS (lab info at Strong candidates are expected to possess demonstrated abilities in developing fundamental theory as well as numerical modeling of experimental results and applications to natural systems. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact potential advisors early in the process of developing their research proposals.
Application Deadline: October 22, 2018
Research advisors: Nick Beeler; Diane Moore; and David Lockner
For more general information on Mendenhall postdoctoral scholar program, and a link to the job application site for this opportunity, see:
5. Machine Learning Workshop:
The thirty-second Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems will take place in Montreal, Canada
on December 3-8, 2018 (the week before the AGU meeting). Information on the main conference is available at:
Even though it’s too late to register for that (the main conference sold out in 11 minutes), there are poster slots
available for a workshop at the conference that will take place that Friday (December 7) on Machine Learning for
Geoophysical and Geochemical signals:
The abstract deadline for posters is September 27, with notification of acceptance September 30.
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