2018 IRIS Workshop: Foundations, Frontiers, and Future Facilities for Seismology
Date: 04/09/2018
On Behalf of Wendy Bohon, IRIS:
Register now for the 2018 IRIS Workshop: Foundations, Frontiers, and
Future Facilities for Seismology! June 12-14, 2018 in Albuquerque, NM
Since its inception in 1984, IRIS has built excellent foundational
facilities for seismologists to study the Earth's interior, earthquakes
and other natural hazards. This workshop will highlight exciting
scientific advances using current facilities, and explore future frontier
facilities, activities and techniques. In part, the future of IRIS
includes the expansion of the facilities to support interdisciplinary
research activities among the solid Earth, hydrosphere, cryosphere,
atmosphere and other surface processes, and to create a more diverse
geoscience community. For more information, including a list of the
Plenary Sessions, speakers, field trip information and special
pre-workshop sessions please visit www.iris.edu/irisworkshop.
Important Dates
Scholarship Application: Open
Abstract Submissions: Open
Scholarship Application Deadline: April 20
Scholarship Notice: May 1
Hotel Deadline: May 18
Registration Deadline: May 18
Field Trip Deadline: May 18
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 21