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SEG Annual Meeting Near-Surface Geophysics Technical Section Technical Session

Date: 02/06/2018

On Behalf of Lauren Whitesell, SEG:

The SEG annual meeting will take place in Anaheim, California from 14-19 October 2018. To submit and abstract, please use this link https://seg.org/Annual-Meeting-2018. If you have questions, ns@seg.org.

1. Site amplification (earthquakes engineering/seismology)
Description: Site amplification caused by excitation of near-surface soil materials and basin sediments is an essential part of earthquake hazard/risk assessment.
Site effect besides source and path effects is the essential part of an observed ground motion because the soil amplifications may adversely influence the earthquake damage on living environment specifically in urban areas with underlying shallow and deep sediments. This requires collaborations among a spectrum of specialists in earthquake engineering, geophysics and geology. This session welcomes contributions to site amplification studies that target new or improved methods and applications, including physical, numerical, theoretical, multi-method approaches. We also welcome basin or shallow soil amplification studies using geophysical surveys and encourage contributions addressing development and use of community or national database(s) such as seismic-wave velocity profiles or 2D/3D models, and Vs30 m.

2. Natural hazard mitigation: Geophysics and NDT for site and material characterization:
Description: Natural hazard mitigation refers to work to minimize the potential effects of natural hazards, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, fires, and floods. Geophysical methods and non-destructive testing (NDT) can play an important role in site characterization and assessing strengths and weaknesses of materials and critical infrastructure. This session welcomes abstracts that describe research on the use geophysics and NDT for such studies, specifically in the context of mitigating future hazardous events. The abstracts can focus on field and site investigations, modeling studies, lab tests, or a combination.

3. Geophysics for study of past hazardous events (the past is the key to the future):
Description: Understanding the historical record of past natural hazardous events, including their recurrence interval and magnitude, is an important component of risk assessments and probabilistic estimates of future events. Geophysical methods have the unique ability the locate, image, map, and characterize the products of such past events, including fault offsets of earthquakes, landslide and volcanic eruption deposits, and to the effects of floods and fires. This session welcomes contributions that describe research on the use geophysics for studies of past hazardous events and their effects and products.

4. Coastal zone geophysics:
Description: The Coastal Zone is one of the most important environments on earth where major cities are heavily populated, and ports and harbors and coastlines include substantial infrastructure necessary for society to survive and enjoy. Because the Coastal Zone spans the region from land to water, there are special requirements for obtaining subsurface information needed to identify and map potential environmental hazards. Site surveys are needed to plan routes for pipelines and other coastal infrastructure, and to locate obstacles for planned construction. Major coastal infrastructure includes energy, transportation, water supply, hydrocarbon production, processing and storage, waste management, and critical defense installations. Due to the difficult data acquisition within the transition zone – where water meets land – the Coastal Zone may be considered the biggest data gap in earth sciences. Consequently, a session to examine numerous examples of data acquisition, processing and interpretation to understand this critical environment and provide important lessons for continued research and commercial projects within the Coastal Zone. Southern California is a natural place to focus attention on Coastal Zone Geophysics which are important around the world including all areas where water and land meet – oceans, lakes and rivers.

Objective: The proposed session will provide numerous examples of near surface (and deeper) geophysics used to solve important societal problems including environment, natural hazards, coastal infrastructure, and national defense. Some examples may include coastal energy systems such as offshore wind farms, ocean thermal energy, hydrocarbon production, processing, and storage, water supply (desalination and seawater intrusion), waste treatment and disposal (e.g., CO2 sequestration, sewage, waste water from hydrocarbon production), earthquake, tsunami, storm surge, sea level rise, riverine flooding and water-related hazards to harbors, ports, bridges and other coastal infrastructure, and coastal populations. In addition, the numerous government regulations regarding geophysical work in the sensitive coastal environment need to be addressed and reviewed to help provide a coordinated planning and data acquisition framework for continued successful development and enjoyment of the coastal zone.


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