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Call for Papers: Special Session on Wenchuan Earthquake, at the 4th ICCE in Chengdu, China, May 12-14, 2018

Date: 02/01/2018

On Behalf of Zheng-Kang Shen, UCLA:

We would like to call your attention to the “International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake, with the 4th Conference on Continental Earthquakes”, which will be held in Chengdu, China May 12-14, 2018 (http://www.4thicce.com/). We are organizing a special session “S5-1-4 Open Session: Wenchuan earthquake sequence: a comprehensive understanding of its tectonic origin, physical processes, and hazard implications” (see session description below), and your participation and paper submission are encouraged. The abstract submission deadline has been extended to Feb. 22, 2018, and financial support may be provided by the meeting organization committee for a number of selected speakers to cover their travel expenses. For application please check the website and also contact the session conveners.
Zheng-Kang Shen
Dept of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences/UCLA
Xiwei Xu
Institute of Geology/CEA
Roland Burgmann
Dept of Earth and Planetary Science

S5-1-4 Open Session: Wenchuan earthquake sequence: a comprehensive understanding of its tectonic origin, physical processes, and hazard implications

Conveners Zheng-Kang SHEN (USA), Xiwei XU (China), and Roland Burgmann (USA)
It has been ten years since the occurrence of the 2008 great Wenchuan earthquake which ruptured a section of the Longmenshan fault in western China. Extensive researches have been conducted, and great advancements have been achieved in learning about the earthquake and its sequence. Important questions, however are still being debated, such as, how are the crust and mantle coupled, and what drives the crustal deformation in eastern Tibet? What is the fault zone structure and rheology which control the stress/strain accumulation and release on fault? What controlled the fault rupture propagation and the cascade slip on fault? Was the Wenchuan earthquake triggered by the Zipingpu reservoir, and if so, how? How did the stress/strain redistribute and evolve after the Wenchuan earthquake, and in what sense the 2013 Lushan earthquake was an aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake? What is the seismic hazard potential of the eastern Tibet after Wenchuan, and how to quantify the earthquake probabilities? We welcome contributions which address these and other important questions concerning the tectonics and physics of the Wenchuan earthquake sequence, and encourage particularly those with new insights from comprehensive analysis and interpretation of multi-disciplinary datasets collected and related to the earthquake.

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