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Summer Research Experience at the London Mathematical Laboratory (2 projects in earthquake hazards)

Date: 01/23/2018

On Behalf of Max Werner, University of Bristol:

Dear SCEC community,

Applications are now invited from current undergraduate and postgraduate students for the 2018 Summer School at the London Mathematical Laboratory. The summer research experience will run from Monday 23rd July to Friday 17th August 2018. Successful applicants will carry out a four-week research project under supervision at LML. Travel to and from London, accommodation and a stipend of £1000 will be provided. The deadline for applications is Friday 23rd February 2018.

Two projects are particularly relevant to students interested in earthquake forecasting, seismic and other natural hazards, and model evaluation:

1) Risk and return: the gambler’s approach to evaluating the skill of natural hazard forecasts.
Supervised by Jiancang Zhuang (Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan) and Max Werner (University of Bristol, UK)

2) Evaluation of model performance in climate and earthquake hazard prediction.
Supervised by Max Werner (University of Bristol, UK) and Erica Thompson (London School of Economics, UK)

Full details at http://lml.org.uk/events/summer-school/summer-school-2018/

For informal enquires, please contact me or the other named supervisors.

Best regards
Max Werner


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