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PhD and Postdoc Opportunities

Date: 12/11/2017

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below regarding the following opportunities:
• PhD opportunities in Singapore (sea-level change, coastal hazards, subduction earthquake geology)
• Earth Science PhD Opportunities at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
• Postdoc Fellowship Positions available at FIU
• PhD and Postdoc Opportunities Computational Seismology for Geo-reservoirs

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PhD opportunities in Singapore (sea-level change, coastal hazards, subduction earthquake geology)

Fully-funded PhD opportunities are available in the Asian School of the Environment and the Earth Observatory of Singapore, at Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore.

Our focus is on natural hazards in Southeast Asia, and these PhD opportunities will involve aspects of regional geological research and/or modeling of geological data.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
• sea-level change
• coastal hazards
• earthquake geology and neotectonics (with emphasis on subduction zones of Southeast Asia)

There are two intakes of PhD students annually, in January and in August. The deadline for the submission of applications is 31st January for the August intake, and 31st July for the following January intake.

We strongly encourage those interested to contact potential faculty advisors prior to applying.

For more information on this announcement of opportunity, please contact any of the following:
• Professor Ben Horton: bphorton@ntu.edu.sg
• Associate Professor Adam Switzer: aswitzer@ntu.edu.sg
• Dr. Aron Meltzner: meltzner@ntu.edu.sg

Ben Horton and Aron Meltzner will be at AGU all week. We would be happy to meet with potential applicants during the meeting.


For more information:



Earth Science PhD Opportunities at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego is seeking Ph.D candidates with backgrounds in science, math, and engineering for admission to its Earth science graduate program in Fall 2018.

Scripps graduate students have access to a world-class faculty that conducts research in all areas of the Earth sciences – including geochemistry, geophysics, geodesy, geology, glaciology, and planetology. In addition to their core academic training, students gain extensive experience in observational, analytical, and numerical methods, and participate in the collection of novel datasets in the lab, ocean, and field. Financial support covering tuition and stipend/salary is guaranteed for 5 years for all Ph.D students in good standing.

Scripps graduates go on to careers in academia, research, education, industry, and public policy.
Where will your Ph.D take you?

Apply at https://scripps.ucsd.edu/doctoral by December 14, 2017.

Postdoc Fellowship Positions available at FIU

Applications are now invited for two post-doctoral fellowship positions at the Department of Earth and Environment (E&E), Florida International University (FIU) in the fields of earthquake mechanics and hydro-geodesy or sea level-geodesy. Candidates should have a PhD degree or be in advance stages of their PhD studies. The successful applicants will join an active geodetic research group at FIU. Please find details below.

1) Post-doctoral Fellowship in Fault Mechanics and Earthquake triggering

The position is part of a NASA supported project titled “Cascading hazards: Understanding triggering relations between wet tropical cyclones, landslides, and earthquakes”. The appointee will investigate the impact of surface unloading on stress changes within the crust and their potential for triggering earthquakes. The research will include: (1) developing and testing mechanical models of faults and crustal deformation using finite element or other numerical modeling techniques, (2) using Coulomb failure stress calculations for evaluating fault failure conditions, and (3) applying the models and stress calculations to case studies in Taiwan. The appointee should be familiar with fault mechanics, crustal deformation processes, and numerical modeling. A PhD in tectonics, geodesy, or seismology is required.

2) Post-doctoral Fellowship in Geodetic imaging

The position is in the general field of geodetic imaging with a focus on natural and anthropogenic occurring land subsidence, but also open for other applications. The appointee will use InSAR observations to monitor land subsidence in urban and/or coastal environments and evaluate their impact on the nearby population and infrastructure. The appointee should have good programming experience in Matlab and/or Python. Prior experience in differential and time-series InSAR processing (e.g., ISCE, DORIS, GIAnT or StaMPS) is strongly recommended. A PhD in geodesy, tectonics, remote sensing, or electrical engineering is required.

To apply, please send a letter describing research interests, a curriculum vita, and the names, addresses, and e-mail address of three potential references to Dr. Shimon Wdowinski, Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University.

E-mail: shimon.wdowinski@fiu.edu

PhD and Postdoc Opportunities Computational Seismology for Geo-reservoirs

Dear Colleagues,

We seek 6 highly motivated PhD and postdoctoral researchers to study
Fracture activation in geo-reservoirs - physics of (induced) earthquakes in complex fault networks.

The FRAGEN project will shed light on properties and activation of fractures in geo-reservoirs, natural or man-made, using seismic data analysis and physics-based earthquake simulations on high-performance computing infrastructure.

Funded by a KAUST Competitive Research Grant, the project includes two 3-year PhD and two 2-year PostDoc positions based with Prof. P. Martin Mai at KAUST (http://ces.kaust.edu.sa), as well as one 3-year PhD and one 2-year PostDoc position joining the group of Dr. Alice-Agnes Gabriel at LMU Munich (www.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de/Members/gabriel), as well as extensive collaboration between the research groups.

The starting date is flexible with the earliest opportunity in April 2018. Evaluation of applications starts immediately until positions are filled. Successful applicants must have a recent degree in geophysics, physics, engineering, or computational sciences. Candidates should have strong analytical skills, and experience in programming, data analysis, geophysical modeling and visualization. Fluency in English is mandatory. Good interpersonal skills, willingness to work in an international team of researchers and students, and ability to present the work at international conferences are expected.

To apply, please send (as PDFs) your CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and the names and addresses of at least two referees to Dr. Alice-Agnes Gabriel (gabriel@geophysik.uni-muenchen.de) or Prof. P. Martin Mai (martin.mai@kaust.edu.sa).


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