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Tenured Faculty position at the Univ Washington, Director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

Date: 11/06/2017

On Behalf of David Schmidt, UW / PNSN:


The University of Washington (UW) seeks an energetic and visionary
leader to become Director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
(PNSN) and contribute to ongoing, collaborative research initiatives.
The Director will advance the mission of the PNSN
https://pnsn.org/about/mission through scientific pursuits, advocacy,
and effective leadership. The tenured faculty position within the
Department of Earth & Space Sciences http://www.ess.washington.eduis
expected to be at the rank of associate or full professor. This is a
100% FTE, 12-month position, with support coming from six months of
state-funded support, three months of salary support from PNSN
operations, and an additional three months of support tied to the
administrative appointment as Director of the PNSN. The Director is
expected to maintain a vigorous externally funded research program and
to demonstrate a commitment to both undergraduate and graduate
education. Teaching duties are expected to be 2 courses per year.

The University of Washington is located in the greater Seattle
metropolitan area, and offers one of the most exceptional research and
teaching environments in the United States. Seattle is a region of
explosive growth, global trade, technological advancement, a thriving
nonprofit community, and a long history of progressive government. It is
also a cultural metropolis surrounded by the unparalleled natural beauty
of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle offers a quality of life that is among
the highest in the country, with beautiful lakes and parks, incredible
walkability, bike lanes, and a lively music and cultural scene.

Please follow the link below for a full description of the position,
qualifications, and instructions on how to apply:


Preference will be given to applications received prior to December 1,
2017. Questions about the position can be addressed to the search
committee chair, Dr. David Schmidt (dasc@uw.edu).