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Multiple Postdoc Opportunities (Scripps, LDEO, UMich, ASU)

Date: 09/21/2017

Dear SCEC Community

Many announcements featuring postdoctoral opportunities are below.

1. Postdoc at IGPP
2. Postdoc at LDEO
3. Postdoc at University of MIchigan
4. Postdoc at ASU


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1. Postdoc at IGPP (Scripps):

The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography has openings starting in 2018 for two postdoctoral Green Scholars. Funding from the Green Foundation for Earth Sciences is matched with extramural funds for specific research projects to support these positions. Prior to submitting an application, applicants should contact potential IGPP mentors to check whether they have a viable project. Positions are available for one year and are renewable for a second year, subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Green scholars are encouraged to broaden their experience through interaction with other researchers at IGPP and individual research goals may be pursued if project progress can be maintained. Information on recent IGPP research is available here.

Applications should include a statement of research interests (1 page), dissertation abstract (less than 250 words), curriculum vitae with publications list, immigration status, and contact information for two recommendation letter writers. Applications should be submitted online here.

Applications should be submitted by October 15, 2017. Potential applicants are strongly advised to initiate contact with prospective mentor(s) well before this date.Review of applications typically takes 2-3 months. Applications may be accepted until the position is filled, but full consideration is not assured if all materials are not received by Oct 15. Letters of support should not be submitted with the application; we will solicit letters after a first round of evaluation. Please address questions to greenfound@ucsd.edu.

UC San Diego is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and welcomes all qualified applicants. Applicants will receive fair and impartial consideration without regard to race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic data, or other legally protected status.

2. Postdoc at LDEO (Columbia):

We are now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 LDEO Postdoctoral
Fellowship Award. This year’s deadline is November 13, 2017. For
details please visit the postdoc fellowship website at:


This year’s committee Chair is Mike Kaplan. For more information on
the committee, please view the committee page:


I have attached PDF and Word versions of the advertisement. Please
spread the word of the fellowship to your colleagues in other

3. Postdoc at University of Michigan:
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Michigan invites applications for a postdoc position in Geophysics as part of the “Collegiate Postdoctoral Fellowship Program”. Successful candidates will be hired as postdoctoral scholars as preparation for possible tenure-track assistant professor positions in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at University of Michigan.

The Program is a college-wide search for “exceptional scholars who are committed to diversity in the academy” and “scholars with a demonstrated interest in bringing to their research and undergraduate teaching the critical perspective that comes from their non-traditional educational background and/or scholarly understanding of the experiences of groups historically underrepresented in higher education.” The Program is open to all fields of study but the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is particularly keen on receiving applications from candidates in Geophysics who contribute complementary strength to the faculty in the Department.

The application deadline is October 2, 2017. Applicants must have completed the doctoral degree no later than July 1, 2018, and no earlier than January 1, 2015. For more details, see https://lsa.umich.edu/lsa/about/diversity--equity-and-inclusion/lsa-coll...

4. Postdoc at ASU:

The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University invites applications for the position of Exploration Postdoctoral Fellow. The fellowship provides opportunities for outstanding early-career scientists and engineers, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Research areas within SESE encompass Earth and planetary sciences, astrobiology, astrophysics and cosmology, instrumentation and systems engineering, and science education.

Incoming Fellows will receive an annual stipend of $63,000 with health benefits, plus $9,000 per year in discretionary research funds. A relocation allowance will be provided. Appointments will be for up to three years and shall commence on or around July 1, 2018.

For more information and application details, please see:
