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Call for Papers: Tectonophysics Special Issue "Physics of Earthquake Rupture Propagation"

Date: 08/11/2017

On Behalf of Shiqing Xu, NIED:

Dear colleagues,

This is an update of our previous call-for-papers on a special issue of Tectonophysics, entitled “Physics of Earthquake Rupture Propagation”. The purpose of this special issue is to bring together broad views from natural observations, numerical simulations and laboratory experiments, on various aspects of earthquake ruptures. The detailed topics may include, but are not limited to, the monitoring of earthquake nucleation, propagation and arrest, the modeling of earthquake interaction with fault zone structure and surface topography, the investigation of the mechanical, thermal, and rheological control on earthquake occurrence, and the lessons learned from recent damaging earthquakes.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed, subject to a check on the relevance to the theme of the special issue. The submission window is now open at https://ees.elsevier.com/tecto/default.asp . Please log in as an author and choose “Submit New Manuscript”. Please select “SI: XuRupture” when reaching the “Article Type” step in the submission process. Useful information can be found in “guide for authors” located at the top of the submission panel, and in Elsevier Support Center at http://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/list/supporthub/publishing/p/10592/

The new submission deadline is 31 August 2017. Accepted individual manuscript will be placed online about 7 days after acceptance with a fully citable DOI. The final issue containing all the accepted manuscripts will be published later. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shiqing Xu (shiqing@bosai.go.jp).

Chief Editor: Kelin Wang (Geological Survey of Canada, Canada)
Guest Editors: Shiqing Xu (NIED, Japan)
Eiichi Fukuyama (NIED, Japan)
Amir Sagy (Geological Survey of Israel, Israel)
Mai-Linh Doan (ISTerre, Université Grenoble Alpes)

Corresponding Editor: Shiqing Xu (shiqing@bosai.go.jp)

Best Wishes,

Kelin Wang, Shiqing Xu, Eiichi Fukuyama, Amir Sagy, and Mai-Linh Doan