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3 postdoc positions open at Geomechanics section of GFZ Potsdam

Date: 06/07/2017

On Behalf of Marco Bohnhoff, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ:

For Section 4.2 ‘Geomechanics and Rheology’ at GFZ Potsdam (gfz-potsdam.de) we invite applications for 3 Geophysicists/Geologists (m/f) under Job Vacancy No. 27/42/17 DG. Your tasks are to contribute to the study of solid-earth deformation processes over a broad range of scales from laboratory to field, to develop a vigorous and competitive research programme in one of the fields of experimental rock mechanics, seismomechanics, or seismology. We expect the willingness to work in a clearly interdisciplinary and international environment, to publish research results in state of the art journals, to acquire third-party funding, and to co-supervise PhD students.
Your qualifications include a PhD in Geophysics or Geology with a focus on either experimental rock mechanics, seismomechanics, or seismology. Candidates with a focus in experimental rock mechanics should have a solid background and experience in laboratory work and a good understanding of mechanics of materials and microstructural analysis. Candidates with a focus in seismomechanics or seismology should have experience in state of the art processing and analysis of short-period / high-frequency waveform recordings. The positions are for three years with option for extension.
You can expect a very diverse and challenging job in an international work environment that is characterized by exciting research projects. The compatibility of work and family life is of particular concern to the GFZ. Therefore, it offers the opportunity for flexible working time and workplaces. Moreover, there is a kindergarten located on the research campus.
The GFZ is a partner with Geo.X (www.geo-x.net), and as such it is well connected with other geoscience institutions in Potsdam und Berlin. Geo.X forms the largest regional cluster of geoscientific expertise in Europe and offers excellent opportunities for cooperation and development.
Please submit your application by 15th June 2017 quoting the reference no. 27/42/17 DG via email to applications@gfz-potsdam.de. Please combine your application documents (letter of motivation, CV and certificates) into a single PDF file with a size of up to 3 megabytes.
Equal opportunity is an inherent part of our personnel policy. Therefore we are particularly welcoming applications from qualified women. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential treatment in the case of equal qualification.
We will retain your application documents for at least three months, even if the application is not successful. They will not be returned.
If you have any questions regarding this job offer, please feel free to contact us at bohnhoff@gfz-potsdam.de or rha@gfz-potsdam.de or call Mrs Albrecht at +49 (0) 331-288-28878.
The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national research centre for Earth sciences in Germany. With approx. 1280 employees, the GFZ is conducting interdisciplinary research on the “System Earth” and the influence of humans on the planet. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, it is part of Germany’s largest science organization.

Prof. Dr. Marco Bohnhoff
Head of GFZ Section 4.2 'Geomechanics and Rheology'

Tel.: +49 331 2881327
Fax.: +49 331 2881328
Email: bohnhoff@gfz-potsdam.de

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Stiftung des öff. Rechtes Land Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam