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Workshop on Frontiers in Studies of Earthquakes and Faults

Date: 04/12/2017

On behalf of Yehuda Ben-Zion, USC:

Workshop: Frontiers in Studies of Earthquakes and Faults Nov 27-Dec 1, 2017, SUSTech, China

We are pleased to announce a workshop on Frontiers in Studies of Earthquakes and Faults in the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China, during Nov 27-Dec 1, 2017.
The workshop will focus on the following topics: (1) Imaging and monitoring fault zone regions, (2) Detection and location of small events, (3) Earthquake source properties, and (4) Brittle rock physics. The format will consist of in-depth lectures by invited speakers, along with short talks and posters. Long breaks between morning and afternoon sessions will provide considerable time for informal discussions and interactions between the workshop participants.

Registration procedure
The registration to the workshop is a two-step procedure involving (1) application and (2) registration. In step 1, applicants are asked to send an email request to attend the workshop that includes name, affiliation, rank (student, postdoc, early career scientist with 7 year from PhD, senior scientist), and tentative title of short oral or poster presentation. Email applications should be sent by May 15, 2017, to Ms. Ying CHEN at cheny6@sustc.edu.cn

Applicants will be selected by the organizing committee by June 25 based on their rank and research interests reflected in the title of presentation. Priority will be given to young researchers. After the selection, successful applicants will be asked to register formally on a meeting website.

Registration including all meals, banquets, and local cultural events: General $500, Postdocs $300, Students free of charge.

Hotel on site: $40-80/night

Workshop Lectures:
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC, USA), Correlations between fault zone and earthquake properties

Greg Beroza (Stanford U., USA), Using Big Data Techniques to Find Small Earthquakes

Marco Bohnhoff (GFZ, Germany), Fault Segmentation, Asperities and Creeping Sections Along the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Marmara Region, NW Turkey

Michel Campillo (Univ. Grenoble-Alps, France), Monitoring velocity change and seismic susceptibility with continuous records

Xiaofei Chen (SUSTech, China), TBA

Andrea Donnellan (JPL, USA), Estimating Compliance of Fault Zones using Geodetic Imaging Observations

Georg Dresen (GFZ, Germany), Fault structure, damage and microseismicity - a lab perspective

Jay Fineberg (Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, Israel), Earthquakes in the laboratory in both bimaterial and homogeneous laboratory faults

Eiichi Fukuyama (NIED, Japan), Slip-weakening Behavior of Rupture: from Lab Experiments to Field Observations

Gregor Hillers (U of Helsinki, Finland), New signals and insights from dense seismic arrays in fault zone environments

Satoshi Ide (U. of Tokyo, Japan), Very broadband nature of slow earthquakes

Aitaro Kato (ERI, Japan), Slip towards the surface: new insights from recent crustal earthquakes in Japan

Fan-Chi Lin (U of Utah, USA), Imaging fault zone structure using dense geophone arrays

Vladimir Lyakhovsky (Geol. Surv. of Israel), Source simulation and seismic radiation in a damage-breakage rheology model

Raul Madariaga (ENS, France), Seismic spectra in the near field of large subduction earthquakes in Chile

Norimitsu Nakata (Oklahoma U., USA), Big Data in Seismology - Seismic Imaging and Monitoring

Fenglin Niu (Rice U, USA), Seismic Imaging of Fault Zone Processes on the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield

Anne Obermann (ETH, Switzerland), Imaging temporal changes of the crust with ambient seismic noise correlations

German Prieto (Univ. Nacional de Colombia, Colombia), Diversity in Earthquake Sources: Methods and Characterization of Temporal and Spatial behavior in diverse tectonic settings

Françoise Renard (U. of Oslo, Norway), The variety of precursors to failure in rocks at the microscale revealed by in-situ imaging

Zachary Ross (Caltech, USA), Large waveform datasets and a new generation of seismicity catalogs: analyses in the Southern California plate boundary area

Nikolai Shapiro (IPGP, France), Observations and possible mechanisms of low-frequency seismicity, comparison of tectonic and volcanic settings

Toshihoro Shimamoto (Institute of Geology, China), Fault rheology and earthquake mechanisms: the current status and future perspectives

Huajian Yao (USTC, China), Frequency-dependent seismic radiation and rupture behavior of large earthquakes

Zhongwen Zhan (Caltech, USA), Deep earthquakes Haijiang Zhang (USTC, China), High-resolution seismic location and tomography methods for characterizing fault zone structures

Lupei Zhu (SLU, USA), Earthquake and fault studies by moment tensors inversion and events relocation

Workshop website

Workshop Directors
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC), Xiaofei Chen (SUSTech)

Local Organizing Committee,
Haijiang Zhang (USTC), Huajian Yao (USTC)