Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Applied Geophysics at University of Bristol, UK
Date: 03/06/2017
On behalf of Max Werner, University of Bristol:
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Applied Geophysics
Job number ACAD102430 on jobs.ac.uk
Closing date: 30th March 2017
Post to start in September 2017
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Applied Geophysics
The School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol is expanding its profile in Geophysics and is seeking to appoint a Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Applied or Exploration Geophysics. We welcome applications from outstanding individuals who are world-class researchers with a proven record of publishing in leading scientific journals and generating their own research funding. Some teaching experience would be an asset. The post-holder will be responsible for their own research programme, carry out appropriate administrative tasks, and deliver excellence in teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level. They will be expected to develop their own research group and to interact effectively both with industry partners, other academic colleagues, and the British Geological Survey.
Informal enquires are welcome and can be directed to Prof. Michael Kendall (Head of Geophysics, gljmk@bristol.ac.ujk) or the Head of School, Prof. Mike Walter (hos-earth-sciences@bristol.ac.uk).
The School of Earth Sciences hosts one of the largest Geophysics groups in the UK, which works on topics ranging from the Earth’s core to ice sheets. Strengths lie in planetary, deep Earth, reservoir, earthquake, volcano and environmental geophysics, and the Geophysics degree programmes reflect this diversity. The Group has a strong partnership in Geophysics with the British Geological Survey. The School was rated 2nd in the UK in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF2014), and is globally ranked in the top-20 (QS rankings 2014-16). The Science Faculty at the University of Bristol is one of the strongest in the UK and provides a welcoming environment for cross-disciplinary research. The School holds a departmental Bronze Athena SWAN Award. We are committed to the equality of opportunities and to selection on merit. The School and University have a wide range of policies aimed at supporting staff in work. Please see: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/earthsciences/about/equality-diversity/ for further details.