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Tenure-track faculty position at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Date: 10/18/2016

On behalf of Adrian Borsa, Scripps Institute of Oceanography


Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the University of California San Diego (http://scripps.ucsd.edu) invites faculty applications for the position listed below. We seek a motivated, broad-thinking scientist-educator to establish a vigorous research program and provide intellectual leadership in his or her field while complementing existing expertise at Scripps and other UCSD departments. SIO is a world renowned center of marine research with approximately 200 principal investigators leading research programs on all aspects of earth, ocean, biological and atmospheric sciences. We are committed to academic excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff, and student body. The department is interested in candidates who have demonstrated commitment to excellence by providing leadership in teaching, research, and service towards building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.

We invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position in marine geophysics. We seek candidates whose research interest is in using geophysical methods to study any region of the Earth beneath the sea, including its geological history, structure (thermal, seismic, electrical, magnetic, or petrological), past and current movements, fluid behavior, tectonics, volcanology, seismic history and processes, or mineral resources. This includes the development of methods and instruments to study any of these topics.

The position requires a PhD or equivalent degree in a relevant field, a competitive record of publication and service, as well as evidence of ability or strong potential to secure extramural funding and conduct an active research program. We are hiring at the level of Assistant Professor and salary will be consistent with the applicant’s qualifications and experience and with University of California pay scales.

For full consideration, please apply by 11/20/16 deadline:


The University of California San Diego is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For applicants with interest in spousal/partner employment, please also see http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/partneropp/index.html for the UCSD Partner Opportunities Program.