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SURVEY: Computational needs for seismology/geodesy/infrasound

Date: 10/11/2016

On behalf of Carl Tape, IRIS HPC and Seismic Data Working Group

Dear Seismological Community:

The IRIS working group on High Performance Computing and Seismic Data
(https://www.iris.edu/hq/about_iris/governance/hpcwg) is seeking your
feedback on computational needs for your research (or operations) in
seismology or related data-driven fields such as geodesy or

If you do research in any of these areas, with or without HPC, please
help us by filling out this survey! Your survey responses will help
guide future efforts to meet your computational needs in seismology.


It should take about 15 minutes. Please complete it as soon as you can.

Please encourage students and colleagues to take the survey.

IRIS HPC and Seismic Data Working Group
Carl Tape
Heiner Igel
Weisen Shen
Jeroen Tromp
Felix Waldhauser
Omar Ghattas
Arthur Rodgers
Stan Ruppert
Carene Larmat
Scott Klaske
Lorraine Hwang
Tim Ahern