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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (Geophysics), Stony Brook University

Date: 10/04/2016

On behalf of William Holt, Stony Brook University:

The Department of Geosciences at Stony Brook University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty position in computational or theoretical geophysics. We seek a candidate with the potential to complement one or more of the Department's current and traditional research strengths in geodynamics, seismology, mineral physics, and rock mechanics, and who will be an effective teacher. Details of the Department's areas of research emphasis and current facilities may be found at www.stonybrook.edu/geosciences.

Interested applicants should submit a State employment application, cover letter, CV, research and teaching statements and contact information of three references to Academic Jobs Online at: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/7925. Electronic submission via Academic Jobs Online is highly preferred.

Alternatively, submit above materials to:
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Geosciences
Earth and Space Sciences Building, Room 255
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100

For a full position description, or for application procedures, visit www.stonybrook.edu/jobs (Ref. # F-9662-16-09).

Stony Brook University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Female/Minority/Disabled/Veteran