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Job Announcements: UCSB, Ben-Gurion University, Central Michigan University

Date: 08/12/2016

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below the following job announcements:

1. Faculty Cluster Hire in Earth Surface Processes / University of California, Santa Barbara
2. Postdoctoral position / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
3. Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Applied Geophysics / Central Michigan University


Jason Ballmann

1. Faculty Cluster Hire in Earth Surface Processes: University of California, Santa Barbara

Please see the job announcements below:

Faculty Cluster Hire in Earth Surface Processes: University of California, Santa Barbara

The University of California Santa Barbara announces a multidisciplinary cluster hire of four outstanding scientists to further strengthen its world class Earth surface process teaching and research mission. We seek dynamic researchers who are at the forefront of advancing theory, measurements and understanding in terrestrial Earth Surface Processes from disciplines including climatology, geochemistry, geology, geomorphology, hydrology and soil science. The cluster hire will build on UC Santa Barbara’s existing strengths in physical geography and Earth and environmental sciences. Successful hires will contribute to improving our understanding of the characteristics and functioning of the entire planet, and especially its terrestrial surface through the study of the complex interactions among atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, including their alteration by, and impact on, human activity. We will give preference to candidates with demonstrated expertise in one or more quantitative techniques including field measurement, remote sensing, modeling, and theory and candidates who, based on research and teaching proficiency, would fit into one of the following Departmental positions:

Earth Science: The Department of Earth Science seeks to appoint an innovative Earth Scientist at the Assistant Professor level who investigates aspects of Earth-surface dynamics and evolution. Areas of specialty might include (but are not limited to) interactions of tectonic, fluvial, glacial, and/or coastal systems with landscapes; research on changing surface environments and their causes in modern or ancient systems; or surface response to climate change or anthropogenic forcing. We seek candidates who complement our existing research strengths in geomorphology, active tectonics, sedimentology, thermochronology and structural geology. See Earth Science Department website for more information.
Bren School: The Bren School of Environmental Science and Management seeks to fill two positions in Earth System Science at the Assistant Professor level. One of the foundations of the Bren School research and teaching program is the significance of global environmental change as a context for environmental management and policy-making. The study of terrestrial earth system science is an essential component of efforts to improve the habitability and sustainability of Earth’s surface environments. The Bren School seeks candidates whose research in Earth surface processes can contribute to effective solutions to environmental problems, ranging from processes altering coastlines and landscapes, mountain snowpack changes, and regional climate and drought and others. See Bren School website for more information.

Geography:  The Geography Department seeks excellent candidates at the Assistant Professor level whose research and teaching interests focus on the evolution of landscapes caused by the interaction of geophysical, hydrological, ecological, and/or anthropogenic processes. The position will complement existing Departmental strengths in Earth system science and in particular, the spatial analysis of the processes that maintain and modify natural and human-dominated landscapes. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to): 1) processing and interpretation of LIDAR and satellite-based topographic data for characterizing landscape change; 2) measurement and modeling of the drivers and implications of natural and human-induced erosion, 3) spatial analysis and modeling of interactions among the processes that drive landscape evolution at regional to global scales. The Geography Department has extensive computer resources and laboratories including a facility designed for preparing cosmogenic radionuclide samples. See Geography Department website for more information.

UC Santa Barbara has a long history of innovative interdisciplinary research. Through this cluster hire we expect to foster a continuation of excellence in Earth surface processes and believe that the successful candidates will find not only strength in their individual programs but will also build strong collaborations with other members of the cluster. The positions described above have complementary research goals but differ in their teaching and mentoring expectations. Candidates are encouraged to consult the websites listed below and/or speak with search committee chairs to determine which program best fits their expertise.

Questions should be directed to EarthSurfaceCluster@eri.ucsb.edu. Candidates are welcome to apply to more than one program and there will be ongoing communication among the search committees.  

Applicants are expected to have advanced degrees and publication records commensurate with appointment levels in the department of interest. Successful candidates will be expected to develop vigorous externally funded research programs in the primary areas of his/her interest, to direct graduate students, teach graduate and undergraduate courses, and contribute their leadership and innovative thinking towards furthering our understanding of Earth Surface Processes.

Applications should include a cover letter, a description of research interests describing potential to support the goals of the cluster hire, a description of teaching interests including ability to contribute to Departmental and interdisciplinary programs, a curriculum vitae, a statement describing commitment to diversity, and the names of at least four references.

Applications completed by October 31st, 2016 will receive fullest consideration, but each department will continue reviewing applicant files until that position is filled. The successful applicants will be expected to start July 1st, 2017.

To be considered for one of the four available positions, apply electronically at:

Bren School: UC recruit website
Department of Earth Science: UC recruit website
Department of Geography: UC recruit website

2. Postdoctoral position at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
The Kamai Research Group (http://ronniekamai.weebly.com/) is looking for a motivated and qualified post-doctoral researcher to join our group. There are currently several funded projects, generally within the larger scope of seismic hazards and site-response analysis. Our research involves working with large datasets, conducting empirical and numerical analyses, and finally developing models for engineering applications. The successful applicant will be a highly-motivated, independent researcher. Applicants must have completed a PhD in the physical sciences or engineering at the time of appointment, with a preference for engineering seismology or geotechnical engineering, and should be proficient in spoken and written English. Prior experience with programming, statistical analysis, and numerical analysis are an advantage.
The position is open immediately and will remain open until an appointment is made.  To apply, please send a curriculum vitae and a brief (1 page) statement of research objectives, including skills and experience to Dr. Ronnie Kamai (rkamai@bgu.ac.il).  

3. Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Applied Geophysics, Central Michigan University

 The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Central Michigan University invites applications for a tenure-track position in applied geophysics at the Assistant Professor level, beginning Fall 2017.  We seek candidates who use a combination of field-based geophysical methods and quantitative methods to examine crustal or lithosphere dynamics; earthquake processes; petroleum or metal exploration geophysics; subsurface fracturing and fluid flow; or environmental geophysics. The selected candidate will support the department’s programs through engaging, student-centered teaching, develop an externally-funded research program that involves students, and actively contribute to service initiatives that advance the department, college, and university.


The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, housed in the College of Science and Engineering, offers B.S. degrees in Geology, Environmental Science, and Meteorology, and participates in an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Earth and Ecosystems Science. The expertise of faculty members spans research areas across the geosciences, including hydrogeology, environmental modeling, Earth surface processes, climatology, and geochemistry. Further information about the department can be found at http://www.eas.cmich.edu.  


Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in geophysics, geological sciences, or a related field. In addition, candidates must demonstrate (1) the potential for outstanding teaching, (2) the potential to develop a vigorous research program that involves students and attracts external funding, and (3) strong oral and written communication skills. Preference will be given to candidates who have postdoctoral experience (academic or industry), a demonstrated record of receiving external funding, and teaching experience.


Review of applications will begin October 15th, and continue until the position is filled.  Applicants should submit a CV, cover letter, statement of research interests, statement of teaching philosophy, and the names and contact information for 3 referees through an online process at http://www.jobs.cmich.edu. Requests for further information may be addressed to Dr. Lawrence Lemke at L.D.Lemke@cmich.edu.


Classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a research high (R2) doctoral university, CMU is recognized for strong undergraduate education and a range of focused graduate and research programs. CMU is a student­focused university with opportunities for leadership, internships, and off-campus volunteer programs. CMU, an AA/EO institution, strongly and actively strives to increase diversity within its community (see www.cmich.edu/aaeo/).