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AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Fault scars: markers of the speed of a fault rupture? (Session S008: ID #13152)

Date: 08/02/2016

Dear SCEC Community, 

The abstract submissions deadline for the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting is tomorrow: August 3rd, 2016. Below may be the last call for abstracts we can send out, as we typically send a batch of announcements in the early part of the week, and another in the later part of the week. 


SCEC Information

On behalf of Mai Linh Doan, Université Grenoble Alpes

Dear all,
We draw your attention to the following AGU session :

Session Title: S008. Fault scars : markers of the speed of a fault rupture ? 

The session aims at stimulating discussion between seismology, laboratory experiments and in situ observations (structural geology as well as geophysical observations). 

To illustrate this, here are the Invited speakers :
- Christe Rowe, who wrote a recent review linking new observations in fault geology with recent advances in laboratory experiments 
- Yehuda Ben Zion, a seismologist eager to compare his theoretical developments with in situ observations.

The multidisciplinary approach is familiar of the SCEC community, which has the potential to provide significant contributions on the topic.

If you are still interested, here is the full abstract 

Seismic ruptures load ambient rock at strain rates much faster than most geological rates. This activates specific processes that leave long-term changes in structure and petrophysical properties of rocks. This session addresses how to interpret the fingerprints left by a major slip event, either an earthquake, a slow slip event or a creep event. Are there specific markers for each kind of seismic event? This requires a multi-scale, multi-method approach.
Post-seismic markers can be petrological (eg, pseudotachylite), geometric (eg, change in fault roughness), petrophysical (eg, change in seismic velocities)... They can be observed in thin sections (μm), directly on outcrops (m) or through seismic arrays (km). Coupled with theoretical developments and numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, especially high-strain rate experiments, can help better interpreting the scars left on fault by paleo-seismic events. This would allow to better assessing the alea associated with active faults.

Session ID: 13152 

Best regards
— Mai Linh DOAN and Amir SAGY, conveners of the session
