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AGU 2016 Session Announcements/Calls for Abstracts

Date: 07/12/2016

Dear SCEC Community, 

Please see below regarding the following AGU 2016 Session-related announcements:

1. Triggering and Branching Across Many Scales in Geosciences (Session NG014: ID #13767)
2. Recent advances in the application of InSAR and high-resolution geodetic data for crustal deformation research (Session G014: ID #13311)
3. Time-dependent deformation in geodetic data: advances in detection, modeling and interpretation (Session G024: ID #13407)
4. Precursory deformation before dynamic failure (Session MR015: ID# 13460)
5. Insights on the tectonic evolution of the Salton Trough and northern Gulf of California from recent multidisciplinary studies (Session T012: ID #12952)
6. Advances in Earthquake Early Warning Research (Session S001: ID #12810)


SCEC Information


1. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Triggering and Branching Across Many Scales in Geosciences (Session NG014: ID #13767)

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit abstracts to the special session NG14 "Triggering and branching across many scales in geosciences" of the annual AGU Fall meeting (12-16 December, 2016, San Francisco, CA):

Various complex systems in nature exhibit a dynamical behavior that can be represented as a triggering cascade or branching process. Such a representation often constitutes the most crucial features of the evolutionary dynamics of complex systems, both in terms of their description, characterization and understanding. Hence, it  provides significant insight on a fundamental level making it well-suited for solving long-standing problems in geosciences. This includes but is not limited to aftershock sequences and forecasting of seismic activity, nucleation and growth of microcracks in rock fracture, formation of river networks, solar flares and magnetic substorms, and more generally the predictability of extreme events. The session goal is to showcase the potential of triggering and branching processes and to solicit a range of contributions focused on related concepts and ideas across disciplines in order to facilitate the knowledge exchange between different scientific communities.

The invited speakers are

Ian Main (U Edinburgh, UK): Nucleation, growth and localisation of microcracks: implications for predictability of rock failure
Nicholas van der Elst (USGS, USA): Incorporating orphaned aftershocks in earthquake branching models

Further details on the session are below.

Submit your abstracts via: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__fallmeeting.agu.org_... 
The (early) deadline is ***August 3, 2016***

We are looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco!

With best regards,
Joern Davidsen
Robert Shcherbakov


Session details:


2. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Recent advances in the application of InSAR and high-resolution geodetic data for crustal deformation research (Session G014: ID #13311)

In the past two decades the quality and quantity of data for measuring and modeling crustal deformation due to faulting, volcanic and various other processes have significantly increased. Modern geodetic data such as time series of InSAR, GPS and LIDAR have led to dramatic increases in temporal and spatial coverage and improved accuracies. We seek submissions focused on methods and applications of InSAR for crustal deformation monitoring and modeling. We particularly welcome contributions that combine InSAR and GPS, and those that anticipate the radical increase in data volumes from new SAR missions, such as Sentinel, ALOS2 and UAVSAR, as well as high-rate GPS.
Primary Convener:  Manoochehr Shirzaei, Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Conveners:  Roland Burgmann, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States and David P Bekaert, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2, United Kingdom 
Co-Organized with: Geodesy, Natural Hazards, Tectonophysics, and Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology 


3. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Time-dependent deformation in geodetic data: advances in detection, modeling and interpretation (Session G024: ID #13407)

Hi all, 

We would like to invite those interested to attend and submit abstracts to a session we are running in the Geodesy and Tectonophysics sections at this year's AGU Fall Meeting, "Time-dependent deformation in geodetic data: advances in detection, modeling and interpretation," session G024 (ID# 13407). 

Session Description: 

Today space geodesy provides unprecedented coverage of the Earth's surface and can detect time-dependent deformation on time scales ranging from seconds to decades and over length scales ranging from meters to plate boundaries. The accurate detection of these deformation signals, in concert with accurate modelling of the processes that drive them, is of vital importance in topics ranging from studies of the seismic cycle and volcanism to the understanding of natural and anthropogenic hydrological processes. We welcome contributions on both the theoretical side - advances in algorithms for the detection of time-dependent signals in geodetic data and in the modelling of deformation processes - and on the applied side - uses of these techniques to gain insights into deformation processes in both tectonic and non-tectonic contexts - with the goal that the space geodesist can find the best practices for every step of a research project within a single session. 

Chris Rollins, Caltech 
Adriano Gualandi, Caltech 
Jessica Murray, USGS Menlo Park 
Mong-Han Huang, NASA JPL 

As a heads up, those interested in our session will likely also be interested in the session being run by Matt King and Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez, "Separating and explaining multiple signals in geodetic data," session G021 (ID# 12290). Regardless of which session you choose to present in, we hope that those interested will attend both sessions, as this essentially doubles the amount of time to exchange ideas and best practices in this discipline. 

Feel free to send any questions or comments my way at jcrollin@caltech.edu, and we hope to see you there! As a reminder, the abstract submission deadline is 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on August 3. 



4. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Precursory deformation before dynamic failure (Session MR015: ID# 13460)

Dear colleagues,
Some of you might be interested to submit an abstract in the following AGU Fall Meeting session, convened by François Renard (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Wenlu Zhu (Univ. Maryland), Roland Burgmann (Univ. California, Berkeley), and Sergio Vinciguerra (Univ. Torino) on:

Precursory deformation before dynamic failure
The session has two invited authors: Prof. Aitaro Kato (University of Tokyo) and Prof. Dan Faulkner (University of Liverpool).
For your information, the abstract submission deadline is Wednesday 3 August, 2016.
Looking forward to your participation,
François, Wenlu, Roland, and Sergio


5. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Insights on the tectonic evolution of the Salton Trough and northern Gulf of California from recent multidisciplinary studies (Session T012: ID #12952)

<apologies for cross-postings>

On behalf of John Hole, Patricia Persaud, Arturo Martin, and Becky Dorsey, we would like to draw your attention to the following AGU session:

T012: Insights on the tectonic evolution of the Salton Trough and northern Gulf of California from recent multidisciplinary studies

Oblique motion at the Pacific-North American plate boundary is rifting the continent in the Salton Trough in southern California and northern Mexico, and in the northern Gulf of California.  Rapid sedimentation from the Colorado River has influenced the mechanisms of rifting, resulting in large differences from the southern Gulf, which has experienced similar total extension.  Rift-related magmatism is localized at the surface but more extensive at depth.  Substantial thinning and perhaps complete breakup of the continent have occurred, but seafloor spreading has apparently not initiated.  Transform and extensional faults interact in complex patterns, with implications for earthquake hazard. Recent multi-disciplinary studies in both countries have focused on rifting processes and the earthquake hazard of this geologic province.  This session invites contributions from all disciplines that address our understanding of the tectonic evolution and the magmatic and deformation processes of this complex and evolving plate boundary.
Conveners:  John Hole, Patricia Persaud, Arturo Martin, Becky Dorsey
Please contact the conveners with any questions.  

The abstract deadline is August 3. 


6. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Advances in Earthquake Early Warning Research (Session S001: ID #12810)

We would like to draw your attention to a session entitled “S001: Advances in Earthquake Early Warning Research.”

Session description

Over the past years Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) efforts have seen an impressive spur of innovation, with new approaches to real-time ground motion prediction being proposed and improvements of established approaches. At the same time, various ongoing research efforts in seismology, tectonics and beyond are relevant for EEW. For this session we invite contributions from a broad range of fields with relevance for real-time ground motion prediction including, but not limited to 

i) New findings in fundamental earthquake research with relevance for EEW, e.g. related to rupture predictability, rupture termination and space- and time-dependent prior rupture probabilities; 

ii) New EEW algorithms and updates of existing algorithms with promise for enhanced ground motion prediction accuracy and/or speed, event detection and false alert avoidance; 

iii) Strategies for a meaningful and objective performance evaluation of EEW algorithms in absolute terms, as well as relative to other algorithms.

and a link to submit to the session:


We hope to see you in San Francisco in December.


Brendan Crowell, University of Washington
Men-Andrin Meier, California Institute of Technology
Diego Melgar, University of California Berkeley