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Multiple Announcements: Faculty Position at University of Hawaii, AGU 2016 Session Announcements

Date: 07/06/2016

Dear SCEC Community, 

Please see below regarding the following announcements: 

1. Faculty Position in Geology or Geophysics at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
2. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Sequential Ruptures of Multi-fault Segments: the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes in Japan (S028)
3. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Bridging Tectonics and Earthquake Cycles


SCEC Information

1. Faculty Position in Geology or Geophysics at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

 Faculty Position in Geology or Geophysics at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

The Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa seeks applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Earth science at the rank of Assistant Professor (or Associate Professor for an exceptional candidate with 4 years or more experience at assistant level or equivalent). Candidates whose research and teaching expertise align with identified target areas (including seismology, volcanology, hydrology, and mineral physics) of the Department and the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology are encouraged to apply. However, excellent candidates in all Earth science disciplines will be considered. The successful candidate is expected to establish and maintain a vigorous, externally funded research program and to engage in Departmental undergraduate and graduate instructional programs. Candidates with a record of teaching excellence and innovation are preferred. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Earth science at the time of application. Applications must be submitted electronically via email (gt@soest.hawaii.edu) as a single PDF file that includes: (1) a letter of application; (2) a curriculum vitae with a list of publications and research funding; (3) a statement of teaching experience and interests detailing evidence of teaching excellence; (4) a statement of research interests, synergistic activities, and future research endeavors; and (5) contact information for at least three references. Review of applications will begin August 26, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. The anticipated start date is Aug. 1, 2017. The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa is committed to building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from female and minority candidates. The University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action Institution. Information on the Department can be found at http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/GG/. The complete vacancy announcement is available at workatuh.hawaii.edu for position number 0088192.

2. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Sequential Ruptures of Multi-fault Segments: the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes in Japan (S028)

Session ID#: 13907

A series of powerful earthquakes and the following aftershocks has
struck the Kumamoto area in Kyushu, Japan, from 14th April, 2016. Each
powerful earthquake was right-lateral strike-slip faulting, which well
matches with the regional stress and strain fields. Initial M6.5
earthquake occurred along the northern segment of “Hinagu fault”,
which is among the 100 most active faults. About one day after the
first event, M 7.3 earthquake nucleated around the north tip of Hinagu
fault, and mainly propagated along the eastern segment of another
active fault, named “Futagawa fault”, accompanying surface ruptures.
The M 7.3 earthquake has immediately boosted a widespread seismicity
along the northeastern extension including rim of Aso volcano and
Beppu geothermal area. We welcome your contributions related to all
topics of multi-fault segment ruptures, from aspects of seismicity
evolution, ground motion, source process, geodetic observation,
surface rupture observation, numerical rupture simulation, laboratory
experiment and seismic hazard assessments.

Aitaro Kato, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Shin Aoi, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
Prevention, Tsukuba, Japan
Takuya Nishimura, Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research
Institute, Kyoto, Japan

3. AGU 2016 Session Announcement | Bridging Tectonics and Earthquake Cycles

Please consider submitting an abstract to the following 2016 AGU Fall
Meeting session.

Session Title: Bridging tectonics and earthquake cycles

Session Description:
Long-term tectonic processes shape the bulk of conditions under which
faults operate and thereby influence earthquake processes on short
time scales. In turn, rupture processes locally reduce the strength of
the brittle lithosphere and thereby affect long-term processes.
Reconciling observations of mechanisms taking place across these
different time and spatial scales will improve our understanding of
the rheology of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system and may
ultimately improve seismic hazard assessment. What are the driving
forces and the rheological structure at plate boundaries? What are the
relative contributions of rheology (temperature, fluids, chemistry)
and geometry in the segmentation of fault ruptures? What are the roles
of faulting and off-fault deformation in shaping the landscape and
partitioning seismic and aseismic energy dissipation? We seek
contributions from across the fields of geology, geodynamics,
seismology, and geodesy involving both modeling and observational

Invited speakers:
Yehuda BenZion
Kelin Wang

Sylvain Barbot (sylbar.vainbot@gmail.com)
Ylona van Dinther (ylona.vandinther@tomo.ig.erdw.ethz.ch)
Romain Jolivet (jolivetinsar@gmail.com)
Fabio Corbi (fabio.corbi@gfz-potsdam.de)