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Multiple Announcements: NASA Earth Surface and Interior Needs Reviewers, Postdoc at U

Date: 06/03/2016

Dear SCEC Community,

Please see below for the following announcements: 

1. Reviewers, Panelists Wanted  for NASA Earth Surface and Interior
2. Post-doc in Earthquake Seismology at the University of Utah


SCEC Information

1. Reviewers, Panelists Wanted  for NASA Earth Surface and Interior

Dear Colleagues,

NASA Earth Surface and Interior (ESI) focus area is seeking reviewers and panelists for proposals solicited under the Earth Surface and Interior and Space Geodesy Programs. You can learn more about ESI's scope by visiting http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/focus-areas/surface-and-interior/

Peer review is critical to the NASA funding process and serving as a reviewer or a panelist is a great opportunity to gain insights into and impact the ESI program. We invite our US and international colleagues to fill out this web-based volunteer reviewer form: http://science.nasa.gov/researchers/volunteer-review-panels/earth-surfac.... Women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to serve. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Best regards, 

Ben Phillips

2. Post-doc in Earthquake Seismology at the University of Utah

The University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS, quake.utah.edu) invites applications for a one-year appointment as Postdoctoral Research Associate in Earthquake Seismology. The successful applicant will work with UUSS faculty, staff, and students on problems of earthquake detection, location, and characterization in the Intermountain West. Potential research topics include (1) application of template detection methods to seismicity induced from geothermal and mining operations, as well as to naturally occurring seismic swarms and aftershock sequences, (2) high-resolution, multi-event relocation using methods such as Bayesloc and HypoDD, (3) estimation of full moment tensors for small-to-moderate seismic events using waveform inversion and first motion polarities, (4) discrimination of tectonic earthquakes from induced earthquakes and non-earthquake sources. While primary datasets are available from regional seismic networks, in some cases supplemental data will be generated using the University of Utah pool of 95 three-component, short-period (5 Hz) Nodal seismometers. The successful applicant will be expected to participate in the Nodal seismometer field campaigns. In addition to research, the successful applicant will be expected to serve rotations as a UUSS duty seismologist (leading the initial UUSS response to events of interest), which will periodically require 24/7 availability via cell/pager. A Ph.D. in geophysics or a related field is required at the time of appointment. The position is renewable for a second year, pending acceptable progress and availability of funding. Opportunities for teaching, mentoring, and outreach will be made available for those interested in pursuing an academic track. To apply submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, and contact information for three references to the following webpage: https://utah.peopleadmin.com/postings/52629. The nominal start date is July 1, 2016, however there is flexibility in the actual start date. Review of applications will begin immediately. Questions may be directed to UUSS Director Keith Koper (koper@seis.utah.edu) or UUSS Associate Director Kris Pankow (pankow@seis.utah.edu).