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LANL Workshop: State of Stress in the Earth

Date: 05/18/2016

On behalf of Paul Johnson, LANL:

You are invited to attend the following:
Workshop:  State of Stress in the Earth
Sponsored by the LANL Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS)
October 19-21, 2016
Santa Fe, New Mexico
In this workshop we intend to focus on reviewing the existing methods and discussing new approaches to describing the stress state in the Earth’s crust. Tentative discussion topics include the plate-scale background state of stress, evaluation of stress concentrates (e.g., critically stressed faults), induced seismicity, and novel methods for evaluating the stress tensor using borehole imaging.  A component of the workshop will be related to machine learning as it applies to calculating the stress tensor in the earth at reservoir scales, and to characterize intervals of fault failure within these regions. Researches working on stresses at all scales are welcome to attend and any related topic is encouraged for presentation.
Do you plan to attend? Your registration costs will be covered as well as most meals.
Please reply to Sarah Hayes shayes@lanl.gov, Dave Coblentz  coblentz@lanl.gov and Paul Johnson paj@lanl.gov and let us know as soon as possible (by May 25) so we can block hotel accommodations and secure a conference rate for you  in Santa Fe.
Kind regards, 
Paul Johnson and Dave Coblentz