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Session announcement for ESC 2016: Session #25 "Earthquake seismology applied: What’s needed for managing the many facets of risk”

Date: 04/05/2016

On behalf of Jochen Woessner and Warner Marzocchi, RMS Zurich Office

Session announcement for ESC 2016: Session #25 "Earthquake seismology applied: What’s needed for managing the many facets of risk”

Dear colleague

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to session #25 "Earthquake seismology applied: What’s needed for managing the many facets of risk” at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC) in Trieste,(Italy), September 4 to 10, 2016 (www.35esc2016.eu)

The session is dedicated to connect professionals in risk management from governments, industry and academia to present which aspects of earthquake seismology are currently used, which aspects could be used if accessible, and where more quantitative characterization and data can advance today’s risk analyses. We specifically encourage practitioners to show the academic community how and what parts of scientific results, from well agreed to debated ones, can be used in building seismic risk models when only a qualitative picture is needed. 

A full description of  session 25 can be found here at http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/ESC2016/session/22652.

We welcome submissions for oral and poster presentations and we would especially welcome presentations from young scientist and researchers working in industry. We strongly support the ESC initiative to value poster presentations with more time allotted for discussion.

Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is 30 April 2016.

The online submission form is available at the conference website www.35esc2016.eu

Best wishes
Jochen Woessner and Warner Marzocchi