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Multiple Announcements: USGS Mendenhall Postdoc Opportunities

Date: 04/01/2016

Dear SCEC Community, 

Please see below regarding additional announcements for various Mendenhall Postdoc opportunities:

1) Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunity: Improving numerical simulations of earthquake ground motions using high-resolution 3-D seismic velocity and improved rupture models

2) Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunity: On-fault and Off-fault strain rate model and its application to the National Seismic Hazard Model
3) Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunity:  Geophysical investigations of the Cascadia subduction zone


SCEC Information


1) Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunity: Improving numerical simulations of earthquake ground motions using high-resolution 3-D seismic velocity and improved rupture models
We seek a postdoctoral fellow to focus on problems relating to the improvement of complete ground-motion time series from 3-D earthquake simulations. The research effort will be largely determined by the postdoctoral fellow’s background and interests but should align with our interests in seismic hazards in the Salt Lake City, Utah, area and within the Cascadia subduction zone. Potential areas of research may include development of kinematic and dynamic rupture models and high-resolution, 3-D seismic velocity and Q-structure models (e.g., from full-waveform tomography using earthquake or ambient noise data sets), and then implementation of these models to: (1) improve the accuracy of existing low-frequency (f ≤ 1 Hz) deterministic ground motion simulations; or (2) extend the capabilities of such earthquake simulations to higher frequencies; or (3) incorporate nonlinear effects. We welcome modeling of observed waveforms using 3-D simulations and comparison with strong-motion records from recent great earthquakes in Chile and Japan, in order to improve understanding of earthquake rupture from subduction events.

Research Advisor(s): Morgan Moschetti, (303) 273-8464, mmoschetti@usgs.gov; Arthur Frankel, (206) 553-0626, afrankel@usgs.gov; Stephen Hartzell, (303) 273-8572, shartzell@usgs.gov; William Stephenson, (303) 273-8573, wstephens@usgs.gov.
Duty station: Golden, CO

2) Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunity: On-fault and Off-fault strain rate model and its application to the National Seismic Hazard Model
We seek a Mendenhall Fellow to conduct geodetic deformation research on on-fault slip rates and off-fault strain rates across the western United States. Geodetic modeling by the SCEC/USGS UCERF3 project provides examples of off-fault strain rate models in California (Field et al., 2014; Parsons et al., 2013; Zeng and Shen, 2015). Geodetic modeling in the western U.S. provides a foundation on which to build improved on-fault slip rate and off-fault strain rate models (Petersen et al., 2013; Bird, 2013; Zeng and Shen, 2013; Moschetti et al., 2013). We are looking for inversion methods and models that improve previously identifiable modeling artifacts and transient signals in the input data. In addition, these methods and models will provide solutions to the off-fault deformation that we can apply to our next NSHM update to account for unmodeled off-fault sources and unknown faults. 
Research Advisor(s): Yuehua Zeng, (303) 273-8561, zeng@usgs.gov; Mark Petersen, (303) 273-8546, mpetersen@usgs.gov; Jessica Murray, (650) 329-4864, jrmurray@usgs.gov.
Duty station: Golden, CO

3) Mendenhall Postdoc Opportunity: Geophysical investigations of the Cascadia subduction zone

On behalf of Rick Blakely, USGS:


Dear friends and colleagues--

We would like to call your attention to a new USGS Mendenhall Post-Doctoral research opportunity: Cascadia Subduction Zone: Synthesis of Known Faults, Discovery of New Faults, and Links Between the Upper Plate and Megathrust.  Details about the position are available at http://geology.usgs.gov/postdoc/opps/2016/round16/16-17%20Blakely.htm.  In summary, we are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to help identify and quantify causal interactions between major structures responsible for earthquake hazards in the Pacific Northwest, specifically the Cascadia megathrust and upper-plate faults, both onshore and offshore.  Applicants have latitude in the proposed research topic, geographic scale, and geophysical methods to be used.   The application deadline is May 2, 2016, and the proposed duty station is Menlo Park, California.  Application instructions are provided at http://geology.usgs.gov/postdoc/opps/basics.html.  Applicants are encouraged to contact any of the USGS Research Advisors (listed below) to discuss proposal ideas before developing a complete proposal.  Thanks very much.