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USGS Mendenhall Postdoc Opportunity: Injection-Induced Seismicity

Date: 03/30/2016

On behalf of Justin Rubinstein, USGS

We would like to announce a post-doctoral opportunity to study injection-induced seismicity, with the specific aim of enhancing the USGS estimates of the hazard posed by induced earthquakes. Many avenues of research would make valuable contributions to this effort. These include, but are not limited to: 1) determining the maximum magnitude (if there is one) of induced earthquakes, 2) predicting on a field, regional, or well scale, where and when induced seismicity will occur based upon geologic or injection parameters, 3) determining whether induced earthquakes and their parameters are distinct from natural earthquakes, e.g., ground motions, source parameters, frequency-magnitude statistics, etc., and 4) developing methods for computing short-term earthquake forecasts (days-months) for induced seismicity. Contributions that aid in our abilities to estimate the hazard posed by induced seismicity have the potential to make a significant impact on future USGS estimates induced earthquake hazard. Prior to developing their proposal, applicants should read the 2016 USGS Open File Report that discusses the current USGS estimate of induced earthquake hazard: https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/ofr20161035

Applicants are encouraged to contact potential research advisors to discuss proposal ideas before developing a complete proposal. 

Please see the website for more information:

Full Project description:  http://geology.usgs.gov/postdoc/opps/2016/round16/16-13%20Rubinstein.htm

Other Mendenhall Post-doc Opportunities: http://geology.usgs.gov/postdoc/

The deadline to apply is May 2, 2016, with a proposed duty station of Menlo Park, CA or Golden, CO

Please contact Justin Rubinstein with any questions: (jrubinstein@usgs.gov)

Potential Advisors: Justin Rubinstein, Andy Michael, Andrea Llenos, Annemarie Baltay, Dan McNamara, Mark Petersen, Nick Beeler