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Call for Papers - PAGEOPH Topical Volume “Best Practices in Physics-based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Installations”

Date: 03/04/2016

On behalf of Luis A. Dalguer, swissnuclear

Dear colleague,
We invite submissions for a special issue of Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), entitled “Best Practices inPhysics-based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Installations”.  Please find in attachment the PDF version of the call for papers. Feel free to distribute it to any potentially interested people or group and sorry for possible duplicate announcement you get,
We aim to gather works from seismologists and earthquake engineers, from practitioners to earthquake scientists, on all aspects related to numerical simulations and modeling for the different components of site specific seismic hazard assessments (SHA) of nuclear installations, ranging from the characterization of seismic source, ground motion and site response to hazard computation and seismic response of structures of nuclear installations, in order to bring together the current practice of SHA for nuclear installations and the current state-of-the-art of advanced knowledge of physics-based earthquake models to ultimately evaluate the applicability of these physics-based models and provide practical guidance for use in SHA.
While the issue will mainly include works presented in the BestPSHANI Workshop (http://www-pub.iaea.org/iaeameetings/50896/BestPSHANI), held in Vienna, 18-20 November 2015, we also encourage other submissions that are relevant to the topics defined above. In particular we encourage works that use mechanical earthquake rupture models (kinematic, dynamic, pseudo-dynamic, quasi-dynamic and quasi-static models) that consider the physics of wave propagation and the state of stress and frictions on the fault  to evaluate frequency of occurrence (earthquake cycle models), source characterization, synthetic ground motion, fault displacement, as well as practical engineering models for ground motion prediction, such as stochastic models, GMPE and hybrid models with strong emphasis placed on practical applications and tailored to seismic hazard assessments of nuclear installations.
All submissions will be subject to the PAGEOPH peer review process. Please submit your paper by going to:https://www.editorialmanager.com/paag/default.aspx, register as an author, then click on “Submit New Manuscript” and select “Report-Top.Vol. BestPSHANI” as the article type.
Instructions for authors and a submission tutorial can be found at:
The submission deadline is July 31, 2016. Papers will be published individually online shortly after being accepted. The combined manuscripts will be published both as a topical issue of the journal PAGEOPH and Book Reprint later. There is no page limit per manuscript, but the length of the article should be justified by its content.
If you are considering submitting a manuscript, we kindly ask you to email a tentative title and authors list to Luis A. Dalguer (luis.dalguer@swissnuclear.ch ) as soon as possible.
Guest Editors are:
-Luis A. Dalguer, Swissnuclear, Switzerland
-Kojiro Irikura, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan
-Yoshimitsu Fukushima, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
-Changjiang Wu, Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan
Corresponding Editor is Luis A. Dalguer (luis.dalguer@swissnuclear.ch)
All the best
Luis A. Dalguer, Kojiro Irikura, Yoshimitsu Fukushima and Changjiang Wu