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Multiple Announcements: IUGG Conference, Stanford Faculty Position, EGU Workshop, Tectonics Workshop

Date: 01/12/2016

Dear SCEC Community, 

Please see below concerning the following announcements: 

1. 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics
2. Faculty Position in Geophysics at Stanford University
3. SM2.6 Towards Physics-Based and Testable PSHA, call for abstracts
4. "Future Directions in Tectonics" – Workshop Invitation


SCEC Information


1. 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics

31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics
"Geophysics, from Mathematics to Experiments"

The 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG) is to be held at the Institut Henri Poincare (Paris) during June 6-10, 2016. The CMG takes place every two years all over the world, and covers a wide spectrum of current research topics in Geophysics. The conference aims to draw together key contemporary issues in mathematical geophysics, including solid Earth, ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, climate observations and data assimilation; modeling of the Earth system and its components; model validation and solving contemporary earth science problems. In addition to the traditional focus on theoretical and modeling works, the CMG 2016 will also emphasize experimental works  -- in particular conceptual experiments that address physical mechanisms and scaling laws.

Funding to support students and early career scientists may be available.

Please note the dates and visit our website for more details and tentative
schedule:  cmg2016.sciencesconf.org 

The abstract submission is now open: http://cmg2016.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/21

Please forward this announcement to relevant colleagues, postdocs and students. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an e-mail to

The Organizing Committee and the IUGG Committee on Mathematical Geophysics


2. Faculty Position in Geophysics at Stanford University

We invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Geophysics (https://earth.stanford.edu/geophysics) in any field of observational, experimental, computational or theoretical geophysics. Priority will be given to the overall originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any specific area of specialization. The appointment will likely be at the junior level (Assistant or untenured Associate Professor).

We seek exceptional individuals who can develop a world-class program of research, and have a strong commitment to both graduate and undergraduate teaching. A doctorate is required at the time of appointment.

How to Apply

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, three recent publications, and the names and email addresses of three individuals from whom the search committee can request letters of reference. Please apply online at: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/6078. Review of applications will commence upon receipt, and the position will remain open until filled. Questions related to your submission may be directed to csaplar@stanford.edu.


Csilla M. Csaplár (650) 498-6877 csaplar@stanford.edu

Stanford University has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity. In that spirit, we particularly encourage applications from women, members of ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities.


3. SM2.6 Towards Physics-Based and Testable PSHA, call for abstracts

Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to our session:

SM2.6 Towards physics-based and testable PSHA

Fabrice Cotton & Danijel Schorlemmer

Modern earthquake-rupture and wave-propagation simulation codes are nowadays 
sophisticated enough to provide realistic simulations of the earthquake source 
processes and associated ground-motion for a given set of input parameters. In 
contrast, the use of physics-based seismicity and ground-motion models is 
still a major challenge when performing Probabilistic Seismic Hazard 
Assessment (PSHA). To integrate physics-based models in future PSHA 
computations, we need to calibrate and analyze the physical factors that 
control earthquake characteristics and ground-motion variability. We also need 
to better capture phenomena like directivity effects, scattering, and 
attenuation that control the high frequency part of strong ground-motions.
A wealth of new data provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners 
to solve these issues and to ensure that we use state-of-the-art methods and 
appropriate input models, calibrated by proper testing approaches and based on 
objective testable decision-making. Furthermore, as modelling techniques 
become more sophisticated and physics-based, questions arise like: “How can we 
determine whether ‘improvements’ are truly ‘improvements’ in prediction skill 
and not just additional complexities? How do we build testability into the 
We invite presentations on any of the above topics, including: physics-based 
PSHA, hazard model testing and ground-motion prediction testing (GMPE & 

The abstract submission deadline is this Wednesday January 13, 2016 @ 13:00 

Thanks and see you at EGU

Fabrice Cotton
Danijel Schorlemmer


4. "Future Directions in Tectonics" – Workshop Invitation

"Future Directions in Tectonics" – Workshop Invitation

Future research in tectonics is the focus of an NSF-sponsored workshop to be held in Madison, Wisconsin on May 20-22, 2016. We aim to assemble a diverse range of earth scientists to identify pertinent and promising areas of new research, recognize and prioritize infrastructure needs that are necessary to making scientific progress, and articulate the societal relevance of 21st century research in tectonics, deformation processes, and all other endeavors that are commonly funded through the NSF Tectonics program. The vision articulated at the workshop will be captured in a white paper, the first of its kind since 2004, that will set future research priorities and inform our science community, funding agencies, elected officials, administrators, and the general public.

Rationale Defining future research and educational directions (and needs) in tectonics will allow us to articulate the relevance of our science, providing a solid outline of our contributions to society. Most critically, it will justify the support needed to sustain or increase productivity, as well as facilitate communication regarding community goals and needs for moving forward - including research facilities, (cyber)infrastructure, and human resources - and identify obstacles and bottlenecks in our work flow. Finally, it will help us build a stronger community, where we can work together. Meeting these goals will provide our representatives within funding agencies with the information they need to justify allocation of funds for future research in the broad area of tectonics. Why participate? Your participation is essential to your community, and the only way to ensure that you and your research are fully represented is to participate in one or more of the ways described below. Initiatives like this also lead to new directions and collaborations. At all stages in the process, we will be thinking creatively of new directions that might increase our research productivity as individuals and as groups.

When: May 20-22, 2016, tentatively scheduled from noon Friday to noon Sunday. Where: Weeks Hall, campus of University of Wisconsin – Madison

Workshop participation: We aim for a highly diverse group of scientists, spanning all related disciplines, backgrounds, and career stage (including advanced graduate students). Financial support for travel/lodging is available for a limited number (~65) of participants, but others are welcome (expected total participation will be <100). Workshop discussions may also be streamed online.

Applications for attending the workshop with our without travel support should be submitted by February 19th at: http://goo.gl/forms/ozAhTec0My. Notification of application status will be made by March 18th.

Additional input from the community:

Pre-workshop input has been solicited via town hall meetings at the national GSA and AGU meetings in 2015. Suggestions on format and discussion topics may also be provided via an on- line forum at: http://goo.gl/forms/OpLAuWPuw9. The community is also invited to submit pre- meeting “idea papers” that outline the perceived top research priorities, grand challenges, and opportunities for the coming decades in tectonics. Short papers (1 page for single author, 2 pages for group) should be sent directly to directions.sgt@gmail.com by April 8th. Workshop agenda will be announced by May 6th.

Post-workshop participation will also be sought via: 1) Discussion groups (e.g. webinars); 2) Additional town hall meetings; and 3) An open comment period on the draft of the white paper.

We hope you are able to join us in helping shape the future of tectonics! Organizers: R. Allmendinger, M. Clark, E. Cowgill, R. Dorsey, K. Mahan, J. Spotila