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Multiple Announcements: Future Directions in Tectonics Workshop, Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences Position Open (Professor and Head)

Date: 12/12/2015

Dear SCEC Community, 

Please see the following announcements below:

1. Future Directions in Tectonics - NSF Workshop
2. Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences: Professor and Head


SCEC Information

1. Future Directions in Tectonics Workshop

An NSF-sponsored workshop on Future Directions in Tectonics will be held in Madison, WI on May 20-22, 2016. This workshop had been postponed from July 2015 to allow greater community participation. The workshop will result in creation of a white paper, designed to help guide research and funding in tectonics over the next decade.

A community town hall meeting will be held at the Fall AGU meeting (2015) to help frame the content and format for the May 2016 workshop (a similar one was held at the GSA Baltimore meeting earlier this year). The AGU workshop is scheduled for 6:15-7:15 PM Monday, December 14, in 2007 Moscone West. We encourage your participation at these town hall meetings to share perspectives on challenges, opportunities, and future directions of tectonic research and to help lay the groundwork and structure the agenda for the workshop.

Other important dates to watch for:
Tentative deadline for applications for participation and funding: 8 February 2016
Tentative notification of participants: 29 February 2016
Tentative deadline for pre-workshop mini idea papers: 1 April 2016
Tentative announcement of final workshop agenda: 1 May 2016

We look forward to working with you to craft a vision for the future direction of tectonic research.

Organizers: Rick Allmendinger, Marin Clark, Becky Dorsey, Paul Kapp, Kevin Mahan, James Spotila


2. Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences: Professor and Head
The Department of Geosciences, in the College of Science at Virginia Tech, invites applications from visionary, creative, and energetic leaders for the position of Department Head. With an international reputation for excellence, we are 22 faculty members, 10 support staff, 2 instructors, 15 postdocs/research scientists, 65 graduate students and 130 undergraduates with research interests organized around interdisciplinary studies of processes, materials, life, hazards, water, and resources. With our many young faculty and support of new university initiatives including Beyond Boundaries (www.beyondboundaries.vt.edu ), the new position offers a unique opportunity to reinvent the geological sciences for the 21st century. Our main campus in Blacksburg and other campuses in Northern Virginia are well-positioned to foster interactions with academic and government organizations in the Washington DC metro region.

The successful applicant will be an advocate for the research and teaching missions of the department, will work to grow collaborations with groups across the university and nationally/ internationally, and will focus on achieving strategic goals within the department and university. Potential candidates must have a Ph.D. in Geosciences or closely related fields, demonstrated administrative and programmatic leadership experience, a broad understanding of geosciences, and exceptional professional achievements as evidenced by outstanding research. The appointment will be at the level of tenured Full Professor.
Interested candidates should submit a current CV, letter of interest and listing of four professional references upon applying through www.jobs.vt.edu posting number TR0150178 or via the link: https://listings.jobs.vt.edu/postings/62036. Review of applications will begin on Jan. 29, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact Ms. Sharon Collins (sharon72@vt.edu).               

Inquiries regarding the position should be directed to Professor Shuhai Xiao, Search Chair (xiao@vt.edu); Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA;  (540) 231-6521.  Further information about the Department is available at www.geos.vt.edu/.
Virginia Tech does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.