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Apply Now: High Resolution Topography Short Course (Deadline: January 7th)

Date: 12/12/2015

On Behalf of Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU), SCEC, UNAVCO, and OpenTopography:

Subject: High Resolution Topography Short Course (Jan 25-26, 2016 at ASU)
We are happy to announce a short course on Imaging and Analyzing Southern California's Active Faults with High Resolution Topography.
High resolution topographic data has become an important tool for earthquake scientists to make detailed observations and model surface evolution. Within the last decade, efforts have been made to collect high resolution topographic data for active faults. These datasets are freely available online through OpenTopography, a NSF funded facility. The active faulting community has taken great interest in these exciting datasets, using them to generate important new insights into processes in southern California and beyond.
OpenTopography in partnership with the Southern California Earthquake Center, UNAVCO, and EarthScope will host a short course at Arizona State University on January 25-26, 2016. This 2-day course will highlight recent research results and provide beginner to intermediate training on airborne and terrestrial lidar, Structure from Motion technology, point cloud and raster-based data processing, and active fault-oriented analysis. We will emphasize fault trace and geomorphic mapping, topographic differencing, integration with other geospatial data, and data visualization and analysis approaches. Participants will have opportunities to discuss their research with other participants and the instructors.
Application deadline: January 7, 2016; applicants will be notified of acceptance on January 11, 2016.
Shared student lodging, breaks, and lunch will be covered for all participants. In addition, up to $250 for other travel expenses may be available with emphasis on students and early career scientists.

For more information and to apply, see the course web page: http://www.opentopography.org/community/workshops/16SCEC_course