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Multiple Announcements - UNR Faculty Opening, USGS Mendenhall Opportunities

Date: 01/15/2015

Dear SCEC Community, 

Below are several announcements regarding a faculty position opening at the University of Reno, Nevada, as well as two more USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship program announcements. 


SCEC Information


The Earthquake Hazards Program at the USGS offices in Golden, CO, are seeking several new postdoctoral researchers through the 2015 USGS Mendenhall program (http://geology.usgs.gov/postdoc/). These include:

(1) Integrating Earthquake Ground Failure into Real-time Hazard and Loss Assessment. The focus of this opportunity is on research that will ultimately provide a more complete characterization of two earthquake-related hazards—landslides and liquefaction—in the immediate hours following a significant domestic or global earthquake. (Lead researcher David Wald, wald@usgs.gov).

(2) Improving Earthquake Location Procedures Using Calibration Events and Signal Processing: Significantly Advancing our Understanding of Earthquake Sequences and Seismotectonics. The focus this opportunity is science that will ultimately provide a more accurate and consistent approach to earthquake location both for real-time operations at the USGS/NEIC, and for more research-based analyses of earthquake sequences and seismotectonic characterization. (Lead researcher Harley Benz, benz@usgs.gov).

(3) The Integration of Geodetic Datasets into Rapid and Long Term Observations of Earthquake Properties. The focus this opportunity is science that will ultimately provide a more rapid and complete characterization of earthquake properties (i.e., location, magnitude, source characteristics) in the minutes to hours following major domestic and global events, and will concurrently improve our longer term understanding of earthquake cycles and domestic and global fault systems. (Lead researcher Gavin Hayes, ghayes@usgs.gov).

Further details on these, and on 44 other USGS Mendenhall Postdoc opportunities, can be found at http://geology.usgs.gov/postdoc/opps/research.html. The application deadline is February 17, 2015.

Gavin Hayes, David Wald, and Harley Benz
USGS National Earthquake Information Center 


USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity 15-8
Characterizing earthquake ground motions in the San Francisco Bay Area

We seek a postdoctoral fellow to conduct research using earthquake ground motions, ambient noise, active source experiments, 3-D earth structure models, and 3-D ground-motion simulations to quantify how various processes affect strong ground motion in the San Francisco Bay Area. The research scope encompasses a variety of possible research topics and areas of focus, including, but not limited to, improving the USGS Bay Area 3-D Seismic Velocity Model throughout the Bay Area via integrated analysis of geophysical and seismic data sets, quantification of fault zone amplification and its implications for seismic hazard assessments, and characterization of rupture effects, basin amplification, and site effects on earthquake shaking in the Napa and Sonoma areas.

Full announcement for this opportunity:

For more general information on Mendenhall postdoctoral scholar information, see http://geology.usgs.gov/postdoc/

Application deadline: February 17, 2015

Location: Menlo Park, CA

Please contact one or more of the research advisors directly to discuss application proposals.

Research Advisor(s) : Brad Aagaard, (650) 329-4789, baagaard@usgs.gov; Paul Spudich, (650) 329-5654, spudich@usgs.gov ; Rufus Catchings, (650) 329-4749, catching@usgs.gov ; Joe Fletcher, (650) 329-5628, jfletcher@usgs.gov.


Neotectonics (tenure-track)

The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks applicants with expertise in neotectonics and Quaternary geology. Nevada is one of the most exciting regions in the world to conduct research in the geosciences, particularly in the fields of neotectonics and geologic hazards.
Position Responsibilities: The primary responsibilities of this position will be to develop programs in research and education in the field of neotectonics with emphasis on paleoseismic and earthquake hazard research in Nevada and the surrounding region. Research will focus on landscape evolution primarily as it relates to Quaternary faulting, utilizing innovative approaches, such as LiDAR, to conduct detailed geologic mapping and dating of Quaternary units and surfaces. The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to the development of datasets and reports on Nevada’s Quaternary faults and seismic activity, including periodic assessments and syntheses of hazards facing its major cities and infrastructure. Education will include teaching courses in the successful candidate’s area of expertise, such as neotectonics, geologic hazards, and Quaternary geology in the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering and supervising graduate students. Research and educational efforts will involve integrated multi-departmental (e.g. Nevada Seismological Laboratory) and multi-institutional efforts, with scientists from academia, industry, other institutions, and government labs. The successful candidate will be asked to communicate effectively with the public and community leaders regarding natural hazards in Nevada and coordinate mitigation and response efforts with local and federal emergency management agencies.
Qualifications: Applicants must have a doctorate in geology or a related geoscience field by the time of hire and a demonstrated record of research on topics related to neotectonics as indicated by dissertation research, industry experience, and/or peer-reviewed publications. Excellent communication skills, as demonstrated in written application materials; commitment to public service; potential for, or established record of publications; and ability to attract funding are essential. The successful candidate must also have the ability to develop and coordinate programs and work in teams to accomplish major goals.
Preference will be given to candidates with academic or industry experience in neotectonics. Expertise in paleoseismology (e.g. trenching), surficial processes, Quaternary dating techniques, LiDAR, and/or InSAR will be valued. Preference will be given to candidates who have demonstrated research productivity with publications in peer-reviewed literature. The successful candidate will compete for funding from a variety of sources, including federal agencies interested in fundamental and applied geoscience research (e.g., NSF, USGS, Department of Energy, and Bureau of Land Management) and industry. Therefore, preference will be given to candidates who explain achievable plans for funded research on Nevada-focused topics in neotectonics in their letters of interest. In addition, preference will be given to candidates who understand the role of NBMG as the state geological survey of Nevada and can articulate how NBMG can better serve stakeholders (citizens, government, and industry) on issues related to geologic hazards.
Salary and Date of Appointment: The position will be a tenure-track faculty appointment at the assistant professor level with an academic-year base salary that is competitive with other research universities. Starting date will be July 1, 2015 or shortly thereafter, depending on availability of the successful candidate.
To apply, please visit: https://www.unrsearch.com/postings/16813. Please submit a letter expressing your interest in the position and research plans; names, e-mail addresses, postal addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references; a complete curriculum vitae; and electronic copies of up to three of your publications to http://jobs.unr.edu/. Application deadline is March 10, 2015. For further information about NBMG, please consult our website (http://www.nbmg.unr.edu).  For questions about the position contact search committee chair Bill Hammond (whammond@unr.edu).
The University of Nevada, Reno is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action in recruitment of its students and employees and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, national origin, veteran status, physical or mental disability, and sexual orientation. The University of Nevada employs only United States citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States. Women and under-represented groups are encouraged to apply.