Special sessions at the joint assembly of AGU with CGU and GAC/MAC in Montreal, May 3-7, 2015!
Date: 12/19/2014
On behalf of Christine Goulet, UC Berkeley
Dear all,
Come to the joint assembly of AGU with CGU and GAC/MAC in Montreal, May 3-7, 2015!
Visit http://ja.agu.org/2015/ for details.
Consider submitting an abstract to the following two special sessions of particular interest. Please note the abstract deadline is Jan 14, 2015.
Session 6108: Advances in Ground Motion Modeling in Eastern North America (Convenors: Atkinson and Goulet)
The last few years have seen significant advances in our knowledge of earthquake ground motions in eastern North America (ENA). The advances have been made possible by the availability of increased ground-motion data from small-to-moderate events recorded on regional networks, and modeling efforts conducted as part of major research initiatives, including in particular the NGA-East project. We invite contributions dealing with both data and modeling that informs our understanding of earthquake source, path and site effects in ENA and other stable continental regions.
Session 5792: Induced Seismicity Hazards and Processes (Convenors: Atkinson, Eaton and Gu)
Seismicity that is induced or triggered by human activities such as fluid disposal or withdrawal, hydraulic fracture treatments, mining or reservoir impoundment has important implications from both practical and theoretical points of view. We invite case histories that document recent induced-seismicity occurrences. We also invite papers presenting physical or statistical models of induced-seismicity processes, and/or models of ground motions or hazard assessment related to induced seismicity. Presentations from industry, academic and government agencies are equally encouraged; we aim to stimulate discussions on this timely issue, covering a wide range of perspectives.
Christine Goulet, PhD
Assistant Researcher
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER),
University of California, Berkeley
Tel (510) 374-4620
goulet@berkeley.eduSpecial sessions at the joint assembly of AGU with CGU and GAC/MAC in Montreal, May 3-7, 2015!