3 AGU Session Announcements
Date: 07/30/2014
Dear SCEC Community,
The deadline for the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting session abstract submission is coming up in just one week (August 6). As such, we are continuing to receive a great number of requests to send out session announcements to inform, invite, and remind potential abstract submitters in advance of this deadline. Included below are more of these announcements.
If you plan to attend AGU, please take a moment to review these announcements.
Thank you!
SCEC Information
======================= Session 3938 ===================
We invite you to submit abstracts to the following special session at AGU:
Nonlinear Exploitation of Remotely Sensed Big Data
Session ID#: 3938
Satellite and airborne remote sensing data play a prominent role in understanding and monitoring of our home planet, in particular due to the increasing availability of multi-sensor data with higher and higher resolution. Many challenges exist to fully exploiting these data. Increased spatial and temporal resolution reveal the extreme variability of geophysical fields over wider and wider ranges of space-time scale, but also the limitations of the state of the art of data analysis. For instance, current approaches are too often based on scale dependent observables, as well as on quasi-linear. and/or quasi-Gaussian assumptions.
This session is devoted to bold visions on how to improve the exploitation of remotely sensed data.
Best regards,
Michael H Freilich (NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC, USA), D. Schertzer (U. Paris-Est, France), Andrea Donnellan (NASA JPL, Pasadena, CA, USA)
======================= Session 3517 ===================
Strong Motion Data, Networks and Seismological Studies
Session ID#: 3517
Temporary and permanent strong motion seismic networks not only provide the necessary information to gain insight into earthquake phenomena and its societal implications, but also provide key data in the earthquake aftermath. Regional and local networks now reach all corners of the globe, giving an unprecedented opportunity to improve seismic resiliency. The aim of this session is to examine and document different strong motion networks and directly related research. This session will cover several aspects of strong ground motion monitoring, such as new types of instrumentation, real-time data acquisition and processing, quality control schemes, archiving techniques, data dissemination, and exchange systems. Contributions on national and international databases are encouraged. We also promote submissions on the analysis of strong motion observations of recent major earthquakes, as researchers who actively use accelerometric data could highlight important user requirements for existing and next generation strong motion network and databases.
Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman (UNAM, Mexico), Aysegul Askan (METU,Turkey), Lucia Luzi (INGV,Italy) and Citlali Perez (UNAM, Mexico)
======================= Session 2417 ===================
Dear Colleagues
We would like to bring to your attention the following session “Influence of Smaller-Scale Processes on Larger-Scale Fault Zone Behavior and Evolution: Towards Development of Physically Sound Models of the Seismic Cycle” to be held as part of the American Geophysical Union’s 47th annual Fall Meeting [San Francisco, California 15 – 19 December].
Best Wishes,
Ahmed Elbanna and Hiro Noda
AGU Session #2417
Influence of Smaller-Scale Processes on Larger-Scale Fault Zone Behavior and Evolution: Towards Development of Physically Sound Models of the Seismic Cycle
Earthquake rupture processes are often discussed in terms of fracture mechanics based on macroscopic continuum mechanics. However, elementary smaller-scale processes within or around shear zones have been found important in explaining several larger-scale phenomena. For example, brittle-ductile transition of rock deformation explains seismic-aseismic transition, and extreme weakening of a fault at coseismic slip rate explains heat flow paradox. Fundamental understanding of fault behavior and structural evolution based on smaller-scale processes is crucial for developing physically sound models of the seismic cycle and should improve our preparedness against seismic hazard. Possible topics of interest include (i) theoretical and numerical studies on significance (or irrelevance) of smaller-scale processes in larger-scale fault behavior and geophysical observables, (ii) characterization and modeling of fault zone structures and their evolution, (iii) field and experimental studies on identification of relevant smaller-scale processes operating on a fault and its implications. Theoretical, numerical, field, and experimental studies are welcomed.
Conveners: Ahmed Elbanna (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign) and Hiroyuki Noda (JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Invited Speakers:
Emily Brodsky (University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
Pierre Dublanchet (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
Eiichi Fukuyama (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan)
Nadia Lapusta (California Institute of Technology, USA)
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Best Wishes,
Ahmed and Hiro