Doctoral Research Fellowship: Fault Zone Geochemistry, Thermochronology, and Structure
Date: 09/12/2013
Fellowship announcement forwarded from James Evans, Utah State:
The Department of Geology at Utah State University invites applications for a Presidential Doctoral Research Fellowship starting during the 2014-2105 academic year. This 4-year PhD fellowship will pay all tuition and a stipend of ~$20,000/year. Collaborative research will integrate fieldwork and a variety of geochemical and geo- and thermochronologic techniques to understanding processes in brittle fault zones and continental tectonics. Advisors and committee will consist of some combination of Drs. Alexis Ault, James Evans, Susanne Janecke, and Dennis Newell. Potential projects include use of new and existing labs both at USU and other universities to date paleoearthquakes in iron-bearing fault zones. We seek a motivated student with an MS, but will consider outstanding candidates with BS or BA degrees with research or work experience.
The Department of Geology at USU is field oriented with a dynamic and growing faculty and graduate program. We are located in Logan, Utah with close proximity to a wide variety of recreational and cultural opportunities. Interested candidates should contact the aforementioned faculty at;;, and All faculty will be at the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver to talk with perspective applicants. Please visit for more information about our program, and to apply before January 15th, 2014.