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EarthCube Workshop for Rock Deformation and Mineral Physics Research; DEFORM & COMPRES

Date: 09/12/2013

Workshop announcement forwarded from Chris Marone, Penn State:

Dear Colleagues:

Please register to attend the EarthCube End-User Domain Workshop for Rock Deformation and Mineral Physics Research, which will be held November 12-14, 2013 in Alexandria, VA.  

Funding is available to support qualified participants. The workshop will include keynote talks, breakout sessions on topical issues, and a poster session available to all participants.

This workshop will address the current state and future directions of cyberinfrastructure development in support of rock deformation and high-pressure mineral physics research via the DEFORM (Deformation Experimentalists at the Frontier Of Rock and Mineral Research) and COMPRES (Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences) communities. 

The central goals of the workshop are to facilitate scientific discovery via cyberinfrastructure development and to identify EarthCube activities that promote research in high-pressure mineral physics and rock deformation. 

The 2.5-day format will include presentations of scientific results, ample time for integrative discussion, and a focus on the intersections of geoscience and cyberinfrastructure. 

The workshop homepage includes other information and the registration application: http://www.energy.psu.edu/EarthCUBE/