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Invitation to SSA 2013 Special Session: Advances in High-Frequency Physics-Based Earthquake Systems Simulation

Date: 01/07/2013

On behalf of Ricardo Taborda (CMU):

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider participating in the SSA 2013 Special Session: Advances in High-Frequency Physics-Based Earthquake Systems Simulation.  The session is oriented to promote advances in earthquake systems simulation at frequencies higher than traditionally done (> 1 Hz).  Abstracts are due January 10.  A detailed description of the session is given below.  For more information, visit the meeting Web site at http://www.seismosoc.org/meetings/2013/.


Ricardo Taborda
Postdoctoral Associate
Computational Seismology Laboratory
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

Advances in High-Frequency Physics-Based Earthquake Systems Simulation
Recent advances in high-performance computing and efficient wave propagation methods render it computationally tractable to simulate earthquakes using physics-based, deterministic modeling approaches at frequencies up to 10 Hz within the next decade. There are, however, a series of challenges that will need to be overcome in order to generate realistic synthetic seismograms that resemble records from past earthquakes, so that they can be used with confidence in engineering design. These challenges include the realistic characterization of both the earthquake source and the surrounding media at unprecedented fine scales, and the accurate and efficient solution of wave propagation problems at high frequencies, as well as the uncertainty associated with these and other aspects involved in earthquake simulations. This session solicits contributions in the broad range of earthquake systems simulation, oriented to advancing the field of physics-based, deterministic earthquake simulations at frequencies valid for engineering applications: source generation including random parameters, dynamic rupture with small-scale complexity in fault geometry and time variations, construction and improvement of seismic velocity models, numerical techniques in anelastic wave propagation, efficient grid and mesh generation, material attenuation models, integration of geotechnical data in structural velocity models, stochastic representation of near-surface soft-soil deposits, off-fault and near-surface plasticity, incorporation of surface topography, efficient simulation algorithms, and other related topics. This session will also serve as a forum for scientists interested in participating in the High-F project of the Southern California Earthquake Center.