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Agenda for Workshop on use of UCERF3 in the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps

Date: 10/10/2012

Dear Colleague,

Attached please find the agenda for our meeting next week (and see below for the original meeting announcement).

If you plan to attend but have not informed Cassandra Brew (cassandra.brew@rms.com), please do so now.

We will let you know if any other materials will be available in advance of the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing some of you there,

Ned Field & Mark Petersen


We are hosting workshop to address the time-independent component of the next Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, version 3 (UCERF3) on October 17-18 at Pacific Research Center, Dumberton Conference Room (2nd Floor), 7677 Gateway Blvd, Newark, CA 94560 (http://www.pacificresearchcenter.com/). The meeting will begin at 8:00am on the 17th and end at noon on the 18th (with a meeting on deformation models following the next day and a half). Achieving two of the goals with UCERF3 (relaxing segmentation and including multi-fault ruptures) has required significant changes in how the model is constructed.  We will therefore give an overview of UCERF3 modeling framework, present current results, discuss some issues with both the data and methodology, and solicit feedback on how to best resolve these issues before finalizing UCERF3.  Unlike past workshops, this one will not address ground motion prediction equations, as these will be the topic of a later workshop.

Lodging: W Silicon Valley 8200 Gateway Boulevard, Newark, CA 94560.
We have booked a block of rooms at W and the discounted rate is available athttps://www.starwoodmeeting.com/book/rms. The conference room is about 5min walking distance from the hotel.

There is no cost to attend any of our workshops and they are open to all, but note that this will be a scientific working meeting, not focused on policy or outreach issues. Please forward this invitation to any interested colleagues that we may have missed. You are requested to RSVP to Cassandra Brew (cassandra.brew@rms.com) to get an head count of the number of participants. 
A detailed agenda and preliminary UCERF3 report will be forthcoming.

U.S. Geological Survey
phone: (303) 273-8546
fax (303) 273-8600
e-mail: mpetersen@usgs.gov