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2012 IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics

Date: 02/03/2012

Forwarded Message from Yehuda Ben-Zion:

Dear Colleagues,

The 29th IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, focusing on "Confronting models with data", will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, over the 18th-22nd June 2012.

The conference aims to draw together key contemporary issues in mathematical geophysics, including solid Earth, ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, climate observations and data assimilation, modeling of the Earth system and its components, model validation and the solving of contemporary earth science problems. An opening session on Mathematics of the Planet Earth will anticipate the 2013 year emphasis on the subject.

We hope that as well as presenting new results, the meeting will also demonstrate methodological approaches that can be transferred between disciplines.

The conference will be held in the National Museum of Scotland in the heart of Edinburgh's old town. June is possibly the best time of year to visit Scotland; the weather is generally warm and dry. The classic geology of the highlands is close and accessible by either public transport or car hire from Edinburgh.

We believe that the conference should be open to a wide range of applicants and that finance should not be a barrier to attendance. We are currently engaged in applications for funding to support PhD and early career scientists. To date, sponsorship has been gratefully received from the IUGG, Institute of Physics and the British Geophysical Association.

Conference website: http://www.cmgedinburgh2012.org.uk/
Conference program: http://www.cmgedinburgh2012.org.uk/scientificProgram.html
Conference registration: http://www.cmgedinburgh2012.org.uk/registration.html

Abstract submission and support request close on the 30th April, 2012.

For further information, please contact the conference organizer: mark.naylor@ed.ac.uk

We look forward to seeing you at the 2012 Conference on Mathematical Geophysics.

The Organizing Committee and the IUGG Committee on Mathematical Geophysics.
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