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PhD position at the University of Colorado, Boulder

Date: 11/18/2011

Research position opening forwarded from Karl Mueller, UC Boulder:

PhD position at the University of Colorado, Boulder

Applicants are being sought for a PhD research position to work on the Geodynamics of Active Salt Structures at the University of Colorado - Boulder. Set in the Paradox Basin of eastern Utah, the work is aimed at defining how brittle and plastic strain simultaneously evolves in a rapidly deforming landscape where active extensional faults glide above ultra-weak evaporite deposits. The project will involve InSAR mapping and creepmeter monitoring of brittle faults, plastic salt sheets and emerging diapirs. This will be used to define the mechanics of salt flow using numerical modeling, while exploring its links with transport of groundwater and hypersaline brines. Of interest is whether short-lived surges in strain associated with hydrolytic weakening occur, and if they are related to transient wetting from surface water runoff or groundwater flow. Interested applicants should send inquiries to Karl Mueller (Karl.Mueller@colorado.edu) before applying. Information is also available online at http://structure.colorado.edu/~structure/research/saltresearch.htm. Applicants with an existing Masters degree in Geophysics or Geology are especially encouraged to apply. Attached image (Furuya et al., 2007) illustrates InSAR draped over topography in the study area.