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Announcing AGU Session T34: Mechanics of the Lithospheric Deformation During the Earthquake Cycle

Date: 07/22/2011

Dear colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention to the following AGU Fall Meeting session about the physics of the earthquake cycle. The meeting will be held December 13-17, 2011 in San Francisco. Note the new, earlier submission deadline of August 4 (23:59 EDT).

Abstracts can be submitted here: http://agu-fm11.abstractcentral.com/


T34: Mechanics of the Lithospheric Deformation During the Earthquake Cycle

Sponsor: Tectonophysics, Geodesy, Seismology

Description: The session aims at discussing the mechanics of faulting and its connection to flow in the bulk of the lower crust and upper mantle. Some fundamental questions concern the evolution of a damage zone and strain localization at depth, the physics of the brittle/creep transition and the extension of fault roots, others pertain to the role of fluids, temperature and chemical alteration to explain temporal changes of effective properties and episodic high strain-rate events. Constraints from dynamic models and experimental studies, as well as from geodetic and seismological observations of deformation during the inter-, the co- and postseismic periods of a seismic cycle are welcome.

The conveners,

Sylvain Barbot (sbarbot@caltech.edu)
Ya-Ju Hsu (yaru@earth.sinica.edu.tw)
Hiroyuki Noda (hnoda@caltech.edu)