RTGPS session at EarthScope National Meeting
Date: 04/06/2011
Forwarded announcement from Brendan Crowell, SIO/UCSD:
Real-Time GPS Seismology and Other Applications: Science and Data Products
Tuesday, May 17, 9 am - 5 pm -- AT&T Executive and Education Center, UT Austin
High-rate, low-latency geodetic data is opening up a wide new area of inquiry. These data have been shown to be valuable in the study of many earth processes from seismotectonic to volcanic, atmospheric and hydrologic. The availability of high-rate data in real-time also shows promise as an important tool for rapid earthquake hazard analysis and earthquake early warning. Nonetheless there still exist many practical issues including data products, formats, dissemination, quality evaluation, processing techniques and network design.
Workshop Goals:
This session aims to discuss both the practical issues of real-time GPS networks and their scientific and hazard applications. In particular we will discuss data formats and metadata requirements for GPS time series and other real-time products, with the long term goal of identifying a community standard. We seek input from all parts of the geodetic community as well as from seismologists, atmospheric scientists and other fields, on current and future uses of real-time geodetic data and how GPS network design and administration can aid these efforts. Adequate time will be set aside for group discussion that will help guide the future development of cohesive, next-generation, real-time GPS networks.
Workshop Format:
The morning half of the session will focus mainly on current applications and advances in real-time GPS, whereas the afternoon will focus on processing techniques, data quality, dissemination of data to the community and future directions.
The workshop announcement is posted on the EarthScope web site:
There is no online registration for the pre- and post-meeting workshops associated with the National Meeting. To apply to attend this workshop and for additional information, please contact the workshop conveners directly.
Conveners: Brendan Crowell <bwcrowel@ucsd.edu>, (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Ingrid Johanson <ingrid@seismo.berkeley.edu>, (UC Berkeley)