Carnegie Institution for Science seeking Director for Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism
Date: 07/23/2010
The Carnegie Institution for Science seeks a Director for the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism to lead the department in a multidisciplinary program of basic research in Earth and planetary science. Applicants should have a record of excellence in research on scientific problems in this area. The successful candidate will be expected to carry out an active scientific program and provide general scientific leadership for the staff, which currently includes groups in geochemistry and cosmochemistry, planetary and stellar astronomy, and geophysics and planetary physics.
Founded in 1902 as an organization for scientific discovery, the Carnegie Institution hosts scientists who are leaders in the fields of plant biology, developmental biology, Earth and planetary sciences, astronomy, and global ecology. Situated in a park-like setting in Washington, D.C., the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism has 15 staff scientists, 15-20 postdoctoral fellows, and a supporting technical staff. A significant portion of scientific and technical staff salaries, several postdoctoral fellows, and a major part of the research program are covered by endowment funds. Research grants make up the balance of the funding. It is collocated with the Geophysical Laboratory, which carries out independent research programs in rock and mineral physics, geochemistry, and geo- and astrobiology.
The Carnegie Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from women and minorities. Potential candidates should send a CV and letter of interest to If you have questions or would like further information, please contact the chair of the search committee, Dr. Mary Lou Zoback, at