Workshop on PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN SEISMIC FAULTS - Padua, Italy, 18th-20th November 2010
Date: 07/23/2010
From Giulio Di Toro, Universita' di Padova, Dipartimento di Geoscienze:
We would like to bring to your attention the following workshop that will be held on 18th-20th November 2010 at the Dipartimento di Geoscienze (Universita degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy):
Organizers: Giulio Di Toro,Giorgio Pennacchioni, Fabio Ferri and Silvia Mittempergher
Registration and abstract deadlines: 15 September 2010
Registration Free
Workshop Events:
November 19, 2010: Workshop Dinner
November 20, 2010: 1-day field trip to the 1963 giant Vaiont Landslide
Details about the workshop, abstract preparation and registration can be found at:
Aims of the workshop
Understanding the physico-chemical processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation is essential in seismic hazard assessment. Since destructive earthquakes nucleate at depth (7-15 km), direct access to seismic sources is impossible and monitoring active faults from the Earth surface, or interpreting radiated seismic waves, yield limited information on earthquake physics. A complementary approach to the study of earthquakes might come from field, experimental and theoretical investigations of faults and fault-related rocks. We aim at summarize recent advances in understanding the physico-chemical processes activated in seismic fault zones integrating field, experimental and theoretical work. Contributions relative to the following topics are particularly suited for this workshop:
(i) geometrical properties (architecture, surface roughness, etc.) of seismic sources,
(ii) seismic fault zone rocks (cataclasites, fault gouges, shallow and deep-seated pseudotachylytes, etc.),
(iii) mineralogical, geochemical, microstructural, physical (permeability, porosity, etc.) properties of seismic zone fault rocks,
(iv) deformation mechanisms (cataclasis, pressure-solution, friction, plasticity, etc.) during the seismic cycle,
(v) experimentally-determined constitutive properties of fault rocks,
(vi) extrapolation of rock and rock analogue experimental observations to nature,
(vii) modeling of the earthquake source,
(viii) seismological data that might link geological (e.g., field) and experimental observations.
Several of the listed topics have implications in the understanding of other friction-controlled processes important in Earth Sciences (e.g., rock landslides) and overlap with other disciplines including material sciences and engineering (wear, milling, lubrication, etc.). Contributions from these disciplines are extremely welcome.
The workshop will be an occasion to celebrate the retirement of Prof. Toshihiko Shimamoto (University of Hiroshima, Japan) for his tremendous contribution in earthquake-related studies. Prof. Shimamoto will enrich the workshop with a keynote talk.
The contributions of invited speakers with different background seismologists, structural geologists, experimentalists, physicists, mineralogists, geochemists, engineers and applied geologists), will be an opportunity to enhance exchange between disciplines in the broad field of friction, wear and geology (earthquakes and landslides). Please, do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Giulio Di Toro (
Giorgio Pennacchioni (
Fabio Ferri (
Silvia Mittempergher (