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Statistical seismology session at European Seismological Commission

Date: 05/03/2010

Dear colleague,

The abstract submission deadline for the European Seismological Commission is 31 May, four weeks from today. We invite you to join us in Montpelier, France for a session on the state of European statistical seismology:

For the most part, statistical seismology emphasizes the study of seismicity, and there has been recently a focus on studies of earthquake catalogs and earthquake forecasting. We consider statistical seismology to be the synthesis of seismology -- including but not limited to earthquake science -- and various statistical tools.

Therefore, with this session we aim to broaden the discussion and perception of statistical seismology by considering several aspects of seismology which either use statistical methods or may benefit from statistical rigor; potential topics include earthquake predictability, seismic hazard (including fault slip rate studies based on geodetic or Geologic observations), evaluation and testing of earthquake forecasts and seismic hazard, tomography, and earthquake early warning. In the spirit of this meeting, we wish to highlight European statistical seismology: relevant research conducted by scientists in Europe using data from anywhere on the globe, as well as research by international scientists using European data. We encourage contributions of ongoing and recently completed individual and collaborative statistical seismology research, and we also solicit thoughtful presentations regarding specific tools or general approaches from statistics that may advance seismological research.

General info: http://www.esc2010.eu/esc2010/
Abstract submission: http://www.esc2010.eu/regist/abstract/

Note that the ESC immediately precedes this year's SCEC meeting and will almost certainly offer more pleasant weather.

Your faithful conveners,

Jeremy Zechar & Danijel Schorlemmer