Western US GPS Velocity Field Workshop at the 2009 EarthScope Meeting
Date: 04/02/2009
Forwarded message from Jessica Murray-Moraleda, USGS:
I'd like to announce that a workshop entitled "Methods for Estimating Western US GPS Velocity Field" will be held at the 2009 EarthScope Meeting during the afternoon of May 12th.
Conveners: Wayne Thatcher (USGS), Tom Herring (MIT), Chuck Meertens (UNAVCO)
Workshop description:
The purpose of this half-day workshop is to present and discuss methods for determining a GPS velocity field that unifies all available campaign and continuous GPS into a single solution with a common reference frame. The ultimate goal of this exercise is to create such a unified velocity field and make it widely available through UNAVCO for research in active tectonics and earthquake mechanics and application to natural hazards and precise geodetic positioning. The workshop format will permit a small number of invited presentations, breakout groups to consider particular technical issues, and sufficient time for extended discussion. The expected output is a series of recommendations for further research, public archiving of raw data and velocity products, and candidate methodologies for producing first general velocity fields for the western US.
Please visit the EarthScope National Meeting website (http://www.earthscope.org/meetings/national_meeting_09) for more information.
Jessica Murray-Moraleda
US Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Rd., MS 977
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Fax: 650-329-5163