FY 2010 External Research Support (NEHRP) Application Period is Open
Date: 03/18/2009
The application period for our external research grants for FY2010 is now open. The closing date is May 13, 2009.
The Announcement and all application requirements can be seen at www.Grants.gov under Funding Opportunity Number 10HQPA0001.
In addition, there is a link to the Announcement and all application requirements from the External web site earthquake.usgs.gov/research/external .
Thank you,
Deborah McCray-Skinner
Program Analyst, External Research Support
Earthquake Hazards Program
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS-905
Reston, VA 20192
Direct: 703-648-6724
Fax: 703-648-6642
email: mccrayskinner@usgs.gov