International School on Complexity GRAINS, FRICTION, AND FAULTS
Date: 03/18/2009
International School on Complexity GRAINS, FRICTION, AND FAULTS
Erice (Sicily) 20 to 25 July, 2009
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the XI course of the International School on Complexity to be held at the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, ERICE (Sicily) - Italy
The aim of the Course is to bring together world leaders in the manifold subjects and fields related to Granular Materials, Complexity, Friction and Faults. The goal is to provide researchers with a rare opportunity to build unifying perspectives and tools for addressing emerging problems in these areas. The program and the venue of the School will promote free exchange of ideas and stimulate new insights into physical phenomena from atomic to plate tectonic scales.
We hope to see you there!
Alberto Petri and Chris Marone
For registration and other information see:
Keynote Speakers
* Einat Aharonov (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
* Jean-Paul Ampuero (Caltech, USA)
* Lucilla de Arcangelis (University Naples II, Italy)
* Andrea Baldassarri (University La Sapienza, Italy)
* Bob Behringer (Duke University, USA)
* Emily Brodsky (University of California, USA)
* Eric Clement (University Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
* Massimo Cocco (INGV, Italy)
* Cristiano Collettini (University of Perugia, Italy)
* Alvaro Corral (University of Barcelona, Spain)
* Giulio Di Toro (University of Padua, Italy)
* Jay Fineberg (University of Jerusalem, Israel)
* Agnes Helmstetter (University Joseph Fourier, France)
* Karen Mair (University Oslo, Norway)
* Carmen Prado (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
* Olivier Pouliquen (Polytech Marseille, France)
* Izabela Szlufarska(University of Wisconsin, USA)
* Michael Urbakh (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
School Format
The course will consist of invited presentations by lecturers for each thematic session along with selected oral contributions and time for discussion. Ample time will be allocated to poster sessions.